Title. Author. Comments, Year. Section
I Thessalonians: A Commentary. Tarazi, Paul Nadim. Orthodox Biblical Studies, 1982. Bible Commentaries
15th Annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Y.A.L. Conference. Cultivating Our Talents For the Glory of God; Minneapolis-St. Paul; 1997. Local Interest
1923 Memories of 1st Immigrants of Rochester, MN. Written in Greek; 3 pages of photocopies of stories; 1923. Local Interest
1968 Yearbook. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. 1968. Church History
1989 G.O.Y.A./Y.A.L. Basketball Tournament. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. 1989. Local Interest
1989 GOYA Basketball Tourney [VHS]. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. VHS Video; 1989. Local Interest
2001: A Youth Movement - #6 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
25th Anniversary: Saints Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church, Rochester, MN. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. 1979. Local Interest
29th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress - #3 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
333 Modern Greek Verbs. Papaloizos, Theodore C., Ph.D. 1981. Learning Greek
50th Anniversary Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A [СПОМЕНИЦА Покрета Српских Четника Равне Горе Кливлана, Охајо С.А.А. 1952 – 2002]. Written in Serbian & English; 2002. Local Interest
51st Annual Choir Conference. Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Choirs. 2008. Local Interest
60 Minutes interview with His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew [DVD]. 60 Minutes. 15 min, 2010. Videos
75th Anniversary: The Twelve Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, Duluth, MN. The Twelve Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church. 1993. Local Interest
80 Talks for Orthodox Young People. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1975. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Abbess Thaisia: An Autobiography. Abbess Thaisia of Leushino. 1989. Lives of the Saints
Abbot Haralambos Dionysiatis: The teacher of noetic prayer. Dionysiatis, Monk Joseph. 2004. Writings of the Saints
Acts of the Apostles, The (in Modern Greek Braille). . . Bibles - Available on request
After Death. Bakogiannis, Archimandrite Vasilios. 1995. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Against False Union: Humble thoughts of an Orthodox Christian concerning the attempts for union of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church with the so-called Churches of the West. Kalomiros, Alexander. 1978. Ecumenical Issues
Against Those Who Are Unwilling to Confess that the Holy Virgin Is Theotokos. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Greek & English, 2004. Writings of the Saints
Agape. Corogin, Thomas L. 2007. Greek Literature
Aging. Nouwen, Henri J. M., & Walter J. Gaffney. 1974. Counseling Helps
A.H.E.P.A. - #52 [VHS]. GOTelecom. A Community Flagship; 29 min; 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
AHEPA 21st Annual 14th District Convention. AHEPA. Rochester, MN; 1953. Local Interest
AHEPA Daughters of Penelope, 50th Annual Convention. AHEPA. 1982. Local Interest
AHEPA Daughters of Penelope, 74th Annual Convention. AHEPA. 2006. Local Interest
AIDS: An Orthodox Perspective - #5 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Akathist Hymn, The - #19 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Salutations to the Virgin; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Akathist Hymn, The (Ο ΑΚΑΘΙСΤΟС ΥΜΝΟС). Papadeas, Fr. George (translation). Greek & English, 1972. Liturgies
Akathist Hymn to the Most-Holy Theotokos, The [CD]. Dedes, Fr. Seraphim. English; 2002. CDs/DVDs
Akathist to the Mother of God: "The Inexhaustible Cup". St. Paisus Orthodox Monastery. 2001. Liturgies
Alexander Men: A Witness for Contemporary Russia (A Man For Our Times). Hamant, Yves. 1995. World History
Am I Saved?: Scriptural Thoughts on Salvation. Bobosh, Theodore. Know Your Faith series, 1984. Ecumenical Issues
Amazing Life of Papa-Dimitri, The: The Man of God. Orthodox Witness. 2009. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Ancient Egypt. Time Life Books. Great Ages of Man series, 1965. World History
Ancient Fathers of the Desert, The. Archimandrite Chrysostomos. 1980. Writings of the Saints
Ancient Fathers of the Desert, The - 2. Archimandrite Chrysostomos. 1986. Writings of the Saints
Ancient Greece. Martin, Thomas R. From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times, 1996. Greek History
Ancient Greeks, The. Finley, M. I. 1963. Greek History
And Then Nicholas Sang. Johnson, Elizabeth Crispina. The Story of the Trisagion Hymn, 2010. Children's Books
Angels and Friends: Favorite Recipes. Angels of Easter Seal, Youngstown, Ohio. 436 p, 1981. Cookbooks
Anglican Orthodox Pilgrimage. Billerbeck, Franklin (ed.). 1993. Ecumenical Issues
Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: The Moscow Agreed Statement. Ware, Archimandrite Kallistos (ed.). The Moscow Statement Agreed by the Anglican-Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Commission 1976; 1977. Ecumenical Issues
Animals and Man: A State of Blessedness. Stefanatos, Joanne, D.V.M. 1992. Contemporary Issues
Animals Sanctified: A Spiritual Journey. Stefanatos, Joanne, D.V.M. 2001. Contemporary Issues
Ante-Nicene Fathers, The, Vol. III. Roberts, Rev. Alexander (ed.). Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian, Parts I-III; 1976. Writings of the Saints
Apocalypse. Archbishop Averky of Jordanville. The Apocalypse of St. John: An Orthodox Commentary; Translated, edited, & introduction by Fr. Seraphim Rose; 1985. Bible Commentaries
Apocalypse, The. Taushev, Archbishop Averky, & Fr. Seraphim Rose. In the Teachings of Ancient Christianity, 1998. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Apology and Crito. Plato. Intro in English, Greek Text, Notes in English; 1898. Greek Literature
Apostolic Fathers, The. Sparks, Jack N. Modern Translations of These Early Christian Writings: Barnabas, I & II Clement, The Didache, Hermas, Ignatius, Polycarp; 2 copies; 1978. Writings of the Saints
Apostolic Succession. Rogers, Gregory. 1994. Ecumenical Issues
Applying Our Faith to Modern Dilemmas [VHS]. Demopulos, Rev. Dr. Demetrios. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Approaching the Millennium [VHS]. Pelphrey, Rev. Dr. Brendan. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Archaeology of Greece, An. Snodgrass, Anthony M. The Present State and Future Scope of a Discipline, 1987. Greek History
Archangel Michael, The [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “Who is Like God," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Archbishop Demetrios of America: Reports from the Developing Field. Konstantinidis, Penelope. 2004. Ecumenical Issues
Archon: Millennium Edition. Order of St. Andrew the Apostle; Smith, Aspasia (ed.). Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 2001. Local Interest
Are You Saved?: An Orthodox Christian Perspective. Pappas, Barbara. 1984. Ecumenical Issues
Ascent to Heaven. Chryssavgis, John. 1989. Writings of the Saints
Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, The. St. Isaac the Syrian. Translated by Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1984. Writings of the Saints
Asceticism For Modern Americans [VHS]. Pelphrey, Rev. Dr. Brendan. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
At the Corner of East and Now. Mathewes-Green, Frederica. A Modern Life in Ancient Christian Orthodoxy, 1999. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
At the End of Time: The Eschatological Expectations of the Church. Bishop Gerasimos of Abydos. 1997. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Athonite Gerontikon, An: Sayings of the Holy Fathers of Mount Athos. Kotsonis, Archimandrite Ioannikios. 1997. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Attitude of Orthodox Christians Toward Non-Orthodox and Non-Christians, The. Constantelos, Demetrios J. 1992. Ecumenical Issues
Autocephaly of the Metropolia in America, The. Trempelas, Panagiotes N. 1974. Church History
AXIOS! - #25 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Enthronement of His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos, Part II; 58 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Baby Moses. Mother Melania. Old Testament Stories for Children Series, 2008. Children's Books
Baseball's Golden Greeks. Zervos, Diamantis. The First Forty Years: 1934-1974; 1998. Greek History
Basil's Search for Miracles. Zydek, Heather. A novel, 2007. Children's Books
Beauty and Unity in Creation. Woloschak, Gayle E. 1996. Contemporary Issues
Becoming Doers of the Word [VHS]. Vrame, Dr. Tony. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith. Gillquist, Peter E. 1992. Orthodox Instruction
Beginner's Guide to Prayer, A. Keiser, Michael. The Orthodox Way to Draw Closer to God; 2003. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Beginner's Introduction to the Philokalia, A. Coniaris, Anthony M. 2004. Writings of the Saints
Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons. Nouwen, Henri J. M. 1987. Iconography
Beloved Sufferer. Macaria, Schemanun. The Life and Mystical Revelations of a Russian Eldress, 1995. Lives of the Saints
Beyond Diners and Ships - #42 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The Corporate Greek American, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Beyond Success - #53 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The Issues, Concerns and Challenges Facing the Greek American Community; 29 min; 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Bible (Arabic). . 1999. Bibles
Bible (Greek) [Η ΠΑΛΑΙΑ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ]. . 1965. Bibles
Bible (Russian) [БИБЛИЯ]. . 2001. Bibles
Bible For Young People, The. Kanavas, Zoe. 2 copies, 2005. Children's Books
Blessed Athanasia & the Desert Ideal. Priklonsky, Fr. Alexander. 1993. Lives of the Saints
Blessed Euphemia of Serbia. Wertz, Joachim. The Life of an Apostolic Eldress, 1996. Lives of the Saints
Blessed John the Wonderworker. Rose, Fr. Seraphim, & Abbot Herman. A preliminary Account of the Life and Miracles of Archbishop John Maximovitch; 1987. Lives of the Saints
Blindness and Children: An Individual Differences Approach. Warren, David H. 1994. Counseling Helps
Book of Psalms, A. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church, Church School Students Grades 4-6. 2008. Local Interest
Bread & Water, Wine & Oil: An Orthodox Christian Experience of God. Webber, Archimandrite Meletios. 2007. Orthodox Instruction
Breaking the Chains of Addiction. Mihailoff, Victor. How to use ancient Eastern Orthodox spirituality to free our minds and bodies from all addictions; 2005. Counseling Helps
Brothers East and West. Finn, Edward. 1975. Ecumenical Issues
Burning Tigris, The: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response. Balakian, Peter. 2003. World History
Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art. Ministry of Culture, Byzantine Museum. 1986. Iconography
Byzantine Christianity: Emperor, Church, and the West. Magoulias, Harry J. 1982. Church History
Byzantine Hymnography and Byzantine Chant. Conomos, Dimitri. 1984. Liturgies
Byzantine Icons From the Heart of Greece. Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Byzantine & Post-Byzantine Icons of Veria, 2003. Iconography
Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church, The. Meyendorff, John. 2001. Church History
Byzantine Music in the New World [CD]. Choir of the Sign of the Theotokos Orthodox Church. Hymns in English. CDs/DVDs
Byzantium: Its Triumphs and Tragedy. Guerdan, Rene. 1956. Church History
Call From The Holy Hill, The: Who Will Answer It? [VHS]. Pappas, Ike, & Yanni Simonides. 19 min. Videos
Cappadocians, The. Meredith, Anthony. 1995. Lives of the Saints
Carved in Stone: The Greek Heritage. Douros, Basil S. 1999. Greek History
Century of Caring, A: 1889-1989. Saint Marys Hospital of Rochester, Minnesota. 1988. Local Interest
Charlie Rose / Apostle of Love, Hope & Reconciliation [DVD]. PBS / GOTelecom. Two-Disc Set; 1) Charlie Rose interview with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, 1 hr, 2) Special tribute video "Apostle of Love, Hope & Reconciliation", 20 min; 2010. Videos
Children in the Church Today: An Orthodox Perspective. Sister Magdalen. 1991. Counseling Helps
Children in the Orthodox Church Today. Sister Magdalen. 1988. Counseling Helps
Choirs of the Future - #9 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Christ At Work: Orthodox Christian Perspectives on Vocation. Bezzerides, Ann Mitsakos (ed.). 2006. Counseling Helps
Christ in the Psalms. Reardon, Patrick Henry. 2000. Bible Commentaries
Christian Community: Biblical or Optional?. Miller, Hal. 1979. Orthodox Instruction
Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction: Eastern Orthodox Reflections. Hopko, Fr. Thomas. 2 copies, 2006. Contemporary Issues
Christian Life in the Early Church and Today, The. Pappas, Barbara. According to St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, 1989. Bible Commentaries
Christian Teachings on the Practice of Prayer. Kisly, Lorraine. From the Early Church to the Present, 2002. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Christian World, The. Barraclough, Geoffrey (ed.). A Social and Cultural History, 1981. Church History
Christianity of the Church?. Holy New-Martyr Archbishop Ilarion (Troitsky). 1985. Orthodox Instruction
Christina Goes to Church. Khoury, Maria C. A Preschooler's Introduction to Spiritual Growth, 1992. Children's Books
Christina Learns the Sacraments. Khoury, Maria C. 2001. Children's Books
Christina's Favorite Saints. Khoury, Maria C. 2002. Children's Books
Christina's True Heroes. Khoury, Maria C. 2005. Children's Books
Church and Family - #34 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Church and Society - #33 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Church Directory: St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church. 2007. Local Interest
Church Fathers For Young People, The. Grube, Fr. George. Teachings of the Fathers with references from Holy Scripture; 2007. Lives of the Saints
Cloning and Orthodox Anthropology [VHS]. Demopulos, Rev. Dr. Demetrios. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Close to Home. Sabourin, Molly. One Orthodox mother's quest for patience, peace, and perseverance; 2008. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Come Before God: In Prayer and Solemn Feast. Calivas, Alkiviadis C. 1986. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Come, Holy Spirit - Renew the Whole Creation. Limouris, Gennadios. 1990. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Commemoration of the Dead, The. Puhalo, Archbishop Lazar. . Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Common Ground: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity For the American Christian. Bajis, Jordan. 1991. Orthodox Instruction
Communicate in Greek - 2. Arvanitakis, Kleanthes. Book 2 of 3 book series, 1989. Learning Greek
Communion and Intercommunion. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. 2 copies, 1980. Ecumenical Issues
Companion to the Greek Orthodox Church, A. Litsas, Fotios K. 1984. Orthodox Instruction
Complete Book of Who's Who in the Bible, The. Comfort, Philip, & Walter A. Elwell. 2004. Bible Commentaries
Confession and Forgiveness [VHS]. Varvarelis, Rev. Michael. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Constantino Brumidi: From Philiatra, Messinias. Fournier, Dr. Harry, & Dr. John Fournier. The Michelangelo of the United States Capitol From Filiatra Messinias, Greece; 1988. Greek History
Contemporary Sermons: by Greek Orthodox Preachers. Andrews, Rev. Dean Timothy (ed.). 1966. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Conversations With Children: Communicating Our Faith. Sister Magdalen. 2004. Counseling Helps
Cooley's Anemia Foundation: To Live [VHS]. . 16 min. Videos
Coptic Dome, The. Bishop Samuel, & Arch. Cons. Badie Habib. English & Arabic. Church History
Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt, The. Wahba, Fr. Matthias Farid. 1992. Church History
Counsels from the Holy Mountain. Elder Ephraim. Selected from the Letters & Homilies of Elder Ephraim, 2010. Writings of the Saints
Creation and the Patriarchal Histories. Reardon, Patrick Henry. Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Book of Genesis, 2008. Bible Commentaries
Cults in America. Papademetriou, George C. 1985. Ecumenical Issues
Daily Lenten Meditations for Orthodox Christians. Harakas, Presbytera Emily. 1983. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Daily Meditations and Prayers for the Christmas Advent Fast and Epiphany. Harakas, Presbytera Emily, & Fr. Anthony Coniaris. 2000. Liturgies
Daily Order of Services [ΤΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ]. ΣΑΛΙΒΕΡΟΣ, ΜΙΧΑΗΛ Ι. (ΕΚΔΟΤΗΣ). Greek only. Liturgies
Daily Vitamins for Hurting Hearts, Vol. 4. Coniaris, Anthony M. Day by Day with Jesus Through the Church Year, 1999. Counseling Helps
Daily Vitamins for Spiritual Growth, Vol. 1. Coniaris, Anthony M. Day by Day with Jesus Through the Church Year, 1994. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Daily Vitamins for Spiritual Growth, Vol. 3. Coniaris, Anthony M. Day by Day with Jesus Through the Church Year, 1996. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Dancing Alone. Schaeffer, Frank. The Quest for Orthodox Faith in the Age of False Religion, 2002. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Daniel and the Lion. Brandenburg, Claire. 2002. Children's Books
Death and Dying - #39 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Death and Resurrection, Part 1 [VHS]. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. Being Mindful of Death: The Orthodox Approach; 1hr 12 min. Videos
Death and Resurrection, Part 2 [VHS]. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. Communion With the Dead: Continuing Union in Prayer and Love; 1 hr 20 min. Videos
Death and Resurrection, Part 3 [VHS]. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. Judgement: Heaven, Hell and the Resurrection; 38 min. Videos
Defeating Sin. Huneycutt, Fr. Joseph. Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever; 2007. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Denying Human Rights & Ethnic Identity: The Greeks of Turkey. Human Rights Watch. 1992. Greek History
Depression: A Spiritual Guide. Logothetis, Archimandrite Spyridon. 2004. Counseling Helps
Descendants of A Golden Age - #45 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Profiles of Greek American Artists, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Dialogue: East and West. Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius. Lectures delivered at a conference arranged by the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius in Oxford, March 10, 1962; 1963. Ecumenical Issues
Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy, A. Patrinacos, Rev. Nicon D. 1984. Orthodox Instruction
Differences Between the Orthodox Church and Roman Catholicism. Economides, Irene. 1995. Ecumenical Issues
Dimitri's Cross. Arjakovsky-Klepinine, Helene. The Life & Letters of St. Dimitri Klepinin, Martyred during the Holocaust; 2008. Lives of the Saints
Dimitrios in the U.S.A.. Stephanopoulos, Nikki. A pictorial history of the first visit to the United States of America by His All Holiness Dimitrios Ecumenical Patriarch, 1991. Picture Books
Discourse of the Contests and Dissentions Between the Nobles and the Commons in Athens and Rome, With the Consequences they had upon both those States, A. Swift, Jonathan. 1967. World History
Discovering God: Through the Daily Practice of His Presence. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1989. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Divine Liturgy, The - #24 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Enthronement of His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos, Part I; 58 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Divine Liturgy according to St. John Chrysostom, The. Light & Life Press. Commentary & Biblical References by Theodore Bobosh, 1989. Liturgies
Divine Liturgy Book For Children. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. Pictures + Greek & English Liturgy, 1976. Liturgies
Divine Liturgy of St. James (Iakovos), Brother of the Lord, The [Η ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓ. ΙΑΚΩΒΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΘΕΟΥ]. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Greek & English; A New Translation by Members of the Faculty of Hellenic College; 1988. Liturgies
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, The [VHS]. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. Part I - 30 min; Part II - 30 min; 1985. Videos
Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church, The: Byzantine Chant in English [CD]. Choir of St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Rose Bay NSW Australia. . CDs/DVDs
Doctors Mayo, The. Clapesattle, Helen. 1969. Local Interest
Doctrine of Christ, The: A Layman's Handbook. Bishop Dmitri. 1984. Orthodox Instruction
Does Chalcedon Divide or Unite?: Towards convergence in Orthodox Christology. Gregorios, Paulos, William H. Lazareth, & Nikos A. Nissiotis (ed.). 1981. Ecumenical Issues
Doors of Perception - icons and their spiritual significance. Baggley, John. 1988. Iconography
Early Years of Marriage, The. Kalellis, Peter M., Ph.D. 1991. Counseling Helps
Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches: Unofficial Consultation Between Theologians. Romanides, John, et al, (ed.). Papers and Minutes, Aug. 11-15, 1964; Vol. X, No. 2; 1965. Ecumenical Issues
Eastern Orthodoxy: A Way of Life. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1966. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Eastern Orthodoxy Compared: Her Main Teachings and Significant Differences with Roman Catholicism and the Major Protestant Denominations. Mathews, Rev. Fr. Constantine, Protopresbyter. 2006. Orthodox Instruction
Ecumenical Patriarchate, The [CD-ROM]. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Religious Education. CD-ROM for Windows or Macintosh; contains photos, 360 degree tours, videos, music, articles, oratorical festival speeches, and much more; 2002. CDs/DVDs
Ecumenical Patriarchate, The: Crisis in the New Lands. Metropolitan Demetrios of Sevasteia. The Patriarchal and Synodal Act of 1928: Crisis in the "New Lands"; 2007. Greek History
Ecumenical Patriarchate In Captivity, The: Problems & Prospects. Psomiades, Harry. 1984. Church History
Ecumenism - #27 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Elder Ambrose of Optina. Chetverikov, Fr. Sergius. Vol. 4 in The Optina Elders Series,1997. Lives of the Saints
Elder Barsanuphius of Optina. Afanasiev, Victor. Vol. 7 in The Optina Elders Series, 2000. Lives of the Saints
Elder Cleopa of Sihastria. Balan, Archimandrite Ioanichie. 2001. Lives of the Saints
Elder Joseph the Hesychast: Struggles, Experiences, Teachings. Elder Joseph the Hesychast. 1999. Writings of the Saints
Elder Macarius of Optina. Kavelin, Fr. Leonid. Vol. 3 in The Optina Elders Series, 1995. Lives of the Saints
Elder of Ieronymos of Aegina, The. Botsis, Peter. 2007. Lives of the Saints
Empress Athenais-Eudocia. Tsatsos, Jeanne. A Fifth Century Byzantine Humanist; Women of Byzantium Series; 1977. Lives of the Saints
Encountering the Mystery. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Understanding Orthodox Christianity Today, 2008. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Encyclopedia of the Major Saints & Fathers. Eleftheriou, Basil E. 2000. Lives of the Saints
Epistle to the Romans, The: A Gospel For All. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2002. Bible Commentaries
Essential Modern Greek Grammar. Adams, Douglas Q. 1987. Learning Greek
Eureka! - #43 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Americans in Science, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Evasive Neutral, The. Weber, Frank G. Germany, Britain and the Quest for a Turkish Alliance in the Second World War; 1979. Greek History
Everyday Life in Ancient Times. National Geographic Magazine. Highlights of the Beginnings of Western Civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome; reprinted from issues of magazine; 1958. Greek History
Everything You Wanted to Know about the Catholic Church but Were Too Pious to Ask. Greeley, Andrew. 1978. Ecumenical Issues
Examination of the Marriage Life Cycle [VHS]. Krommydas, Rev. Dr. Nicholas. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Eye Cannot Say to the Hand "I Have No Need of You", The. Coniaris, Anthony M. An inspiring study of St. Paul's comparison of the members of the church to the members of the human body (1 Cor 12:4-30), 2005. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Face to Face: A Guide for Orthodox Christians Encountering Muslims. Pulcini, Ted. 2008. Ecumenical Issues
Faith and Hope in a War-Torn Land: The U.S. Army Chaplaincy in the Balkans, 1995-2005. Lawson, CH(LTC) Kenneth E. 2006. World History
Faith and Motherland: Collected Poems. Solomos, Dionysios. Translated from the Greek by Marios Byron Raizis, 2 copies;1998. Greek Literature
Faith, The: Understanding Orthodox Christianity. Carlton, Clark. 1997. Orthodox Instruction
Faith Fulfilled, A: Why are Christians Across Great Britain Embracing Orthodoxy. Harper, Michael. 1999. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Fasting Changed My Life. Anderson, Andy. 1978. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Fasting in the Orthodox Church. Archimandrite Akakios. 1990. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Father Arseny, 1893-1973: Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father. Boutenoff, Vera. Translation of the narratives compiled by the servant of God Alexander concerning his spiritual father, 2 copies, 1999. Lives of the Saints
Father Kosmas - The Apostle of the Poor. Vaporis, Nomikos Michael. 1977. Lives of the Saints
Favorite Greek Myths. Osborne, Mary Pope. Children's Book; Illustrated; 1989. Greek Literature
Female Diaconate, The: An Historical Perspective. Gvosdev, Matushka Ellen. 1991. Contemporary Issues
Feminism in Christianity: An Orthodox Christian Response. Belonick, Deborah. 1983. Contemporary Issues
Festivals of Greek Easter, The. Papoutsis, Carole. 1982. Church History
Fifty Years in the Americas - #2 [VHS]. GOTelecom. From Pomfret to Brookline; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Filo File For Filophiles. Andersson, Billie Venturatos. 96 p, 1985. Cookbooks
Finding Peace in Difficult Times [CD]. Mayo Clinic. 2005. CDs/DVDs
Fire and Light. Chryssavgis, John. Aspects of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition, 1987. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
First and Second Corinthians: Straight From the Heart. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2 copies, 2005. Bible Commentaries
First Christians, The [ΟΙ ΠΡΩΤΟΙ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΟΙ]. Diamantopoulos, Xenophon. Old Sunday School Materials; Alternates Greek and English. Church History
First Dissident, The: The Book of Job in Today's Politics. Safire, William. 1992. Contemporary Issues
First One Hundred Years, The: St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church of Minneapolis. St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church. 2000. Local Interest
First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787), The: Their History and Theology. Davis, Leo Donald. 1983. Church History
First Victory, The: Greece in the Second World War. Blytas, George C. 2009. Greek History
Fitting Together the Pieces of Your Life. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1987. Counseling Helps
Flickering Reflections. Anthony, Rev. Stephen J., Th.B. 1994. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Food For Paradise: A Meatless Cookbook. St. John the Russian Church, Ipswich, Mass. 134 p, 1980. Cookbooks
For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy. Schmemann, Alexander. Another copy in Orthodox Instruction section, 1973. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy. Schmemann, Alexander. Another copy in Contemporary Spiritual Writings section, 1973. Orthodox Instruction
Forgotten Desert Mothers, The: sayings, lives, and stories of early christian women. Swan, Laura. 2001. Lives of the Saints
Forgotten Medicine, The: The Mystery of Repentance. Aleksiev, Archimandrite Seraphim. 2 copies, 1994. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Four Great Russian Plays: Chekhov, Gogol, Gorky, and Turgenev. Dover Publications. The Cherry Orchard, The Inspector General, The Lower Depths, A Month in the Country; 2004. World History
Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople, The. Philips, Jonathan. 2004. Church History
From Alexander to Cleopatra, Part One - #22 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Art of the Hellenistic Age; Part One: The Age of Alexander; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
From Alexander to Cleopatra, Part Two - #23 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Art of the Hellenistic Age; Part Two: The Coming of Rome; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
From Baptist to Byzantium. Early, James. How a Baptist Missionary Traveled Halfway Around the World To Find the Ancient Orthodox Faith; 2009. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
From Glory to Glory. Gregory of Nyssa. Texts from Gregory of Nyssa's Mystical Writings, 1979. Writings of the Saints
From Sad to Glad. Kline, Nathan S., M.D. 1974. Counseling Helps
From the Dolmades to Dukakis - #41 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Individual and Collective Roles of Greek Americans and their Contributions to American Society, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium. Dalrymple, William. 1998. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Garden of the Holy Spirit, The. Elder Iakovos of Evia. 2007. Writings of the Saints
Gems from the Sunday Gospels in the Orthodox Church, Vol. I. Coniaris, Anthony M. Talks based on the yearly cycle of Sunday Gospel lessons, January - June; 1975. Bible Commentaries
General Bourbaki, Le. . Written in French, by one of Gen. Bourbaki's former officers; 1885. Local Interest
Genius of Alexander the Great, The. Hammond, N.G.L. 1997. Greek History
Getting to Know God. Skinas, John Kosmas. 2005. Children's Books
Gift of Love, A: St. Basil Academy - #12 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Gifts of Love and Life. Pompeian, Helen Nazarian. 1995. Counseling Helps
Gladsome Light - #1 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Understanding the Greek Orthodox Church in the Americas, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Gladsome Rose: a bereaved mother's journey into faith. Lafakis, Irene Vodantis. 1995. Counseling Helps
Glorious Liberty of the Children of God, The: The Challenge of Free Will. Coniaris, Anthony M. 2007. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Go Forth. Veronis, Luke. Stories of Mission and Resurrection in Albania, 2009. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
God Speaks From the Cross. Coniaris, Anthony M. Mediations for Lent and Easter based on the Last Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross, 1984. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
God's Fullness for Our Emptiness. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1999. Counseling Helps
Golden Anniversary. Holy Anargyroi Saints Kosmas and Damianos Greek Orthodox Church. 2004. Local Interest
Gospel according to John, The (in Modern Greek Braille). . . Bibles - Available on request
Gospel according to Luke, The (in Modern Greek Braille). . . Bibles - Available on request
Gospel Image of Christ, The: The Church & Modern Criticism. Kesich, Veselin. 2 copies, 1972. Bible Commentaries
Gospel of Christ, The. Stylianopoulos, Theodore. 1981. Bible Commentaries
Gospel of John, The: Beholding the Glory. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2006. Bible Commentaries
Gospel of Luke, The. Barclay, William. The Daily Study Bible Series, 1975. Bible Commentaries
Gospel of Luke, The: Good News For the Poor. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2010. Bible Commentaries
Gospel of Mark, The: The Suffering Servant. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2 copies, 2004. Bible Commentaries
Gospel of Matthew, The: Torah For the Church. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2009. Bible Commentaries
Gospels, The: A Crash Course [VHS]. Constantinou, Presvytera Eugenia, Th.M. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Great Catastrophes, The. Vryonis, Speros Jr. Asia Minor/Smyrna-Sept. 1922; Constantinople-Sept. 6 & 7, 1955; from a lecture; 2000. Greek History
Great Events of Bible Times. Metzer, Bruce, et al. 1990. Church History
Great Lent Unplugged. Hoefling, Jean. 2007. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Great Russian Stories. Negri, Paul. 2003. World History
Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church, The. Holy Apostles Convent. Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec; 2007. Reference - Not to be Checked Out
Greatest of All Sciences, The: To Know One's Self. Coniaris, Anthony M. 2007. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Grecian Plate, The. Hellenic Ladies Society, St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, Durham, NC. 256 p, 1984. Cookbooks
Greek 4 Kids [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. An Introductory Video to Help Kids Learn the Greek Language, Recommended for ages 1-8...or for adults who didn't pay attention in Greek school, 30 min. Learning Greek
Greek Art: Byzantine Wall-Paintings. Acheimastou-Potamianou, Myrtali. 1994. Iconography
Greek Harvest, A - #51 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The Hellenic Diaspora in America, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Greek Heritage and Biographies. AHEPA. District 14 Convention, St. Paul, MN; 1985. Local Interest
Greek Miracle, The. Lavra, Stephen. Greece's role in early World War II; 1943. Greek History
Greek Nostalgia: Songs and kantades [CD]. St. Nicholas Singers. Missing CD. CDs/DVDs
Greek Now [ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΤΩΡΑ 1+1]. ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ, & ΜΑΡΙΝΕΤΑ ΠΑΠΑΧΕΙΜΩΝΑ. Dialogues, Texts, Exercises, Grammar, Vocabulary; 1992. Learning Greek
Greek Orthodox Church, The: Faith, History, and Practice. Constantelos, Demetrios J. 1967. Orthodox Instruction
Greek Orthodox Impact in America - #31 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Greek Orthodox Theological Review, The. . Various issues, 1954-1997. Theological Reviews
Greek Pastries: Easy Step-By-Step Instructions. Deliganis, Christina. 41 p, color photos, 1977. Cookbooks
Greek Proverbs. Economou, Steven G. Proverb in Greek & English, with explanation in English. Illustrated; 1976. Greek Literature
Greek Proverbs and Other Popular Sayings. Pilitsis, George. Proverb in English only, with description; 1996. Greek Literature
Greek War of Independence, The. Paroulakis, Peter H. 2000. Children's Books
Greek-Byzantine Liturgical Hymnal [ΑΡΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΚΗ ΥΜΝΩΔΙΑ]. Anastassiou, George. Greek w/ transliteration, 1940. Liturgies
Greeks, The: Their Struggle for Independence. Paroulakis, Peter H. 1984. Greek History
Gregory Palamas: The Triads. Palamas, Gregory. Edited & Intro by John Meyendorff, The Classics of Western Spirituality Series, 2 copies, 1983. Writings of the Saints
Growing in the Knowledge of Christ. Trakatellis, Bishop Demetrios. 1987. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Growing Up Greek in America [VHS]. Basile. Comedy Greek Style. Videos
Growing Up Greek in America II [VHS]. Basile. Comedy Greek Style. Videos
Guardian Angel, The: A Prayerful Contemplation for Each Day of the Month. Puhalo, Archbishop Lazar. The Orthodox Christian teaching about the nature of angels and a contemplation on the Guardian Angel, 1997. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Guide to Byzantine Iconography, Vol. 2. Cavarnos, Constantine. Detailed, illustrated explanation of ten major icons of the Festal Cycle and of the iconography of God (the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), of the Panagia or Theotokos, of Saint John the Baptist and of the Angels, followed by illuminating remarks of St. Nectarios of Aegina and Photios Kontoglou on iconographic "Types" and "Archetypes"; 2001. Iconography
Guide to Orthodox Life, A: Some Beliefs, Customs and Traditions of the Church. Cownie, Fr. David, & Presbytera Cownie. 1992. Orthodox Instruction
Harlots of the Desert. Ward, Benedicta. A Study of Repentance in Early Monastic Sources, 1987. Lives of the Saints
Having Fun With the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greeks [ΠΕΡΝΩΝΤΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΑ ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΘΕΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΘΕΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΡΧΑΙΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ]. Antoniades, Basil. Book of Activities in Greek and English, 2005. Greek Literature
Healing. Chirban, John T. Orthodox Christian Perspectives in Medicine, Psychology, and Religion; 1991. Counseling Helps
Hear Me: A Prayerbook For Orthodox Teens. Boyd, Annalisa. 2007. Children's Books
Heaven Help the Single Christian. Ruthford, Thomas. Your (Practical) Guide to Navigating Church as You Search for a Godly Mate, 2010. Counseling Helps
Heavenly Banquet, The: Understanding the Divine Liturgy. Hatzidakis, Fr. Emmanuel. 2008. Orthodox Instruction
Hellas: A Short History of Ancient Greece. Robinson, C. E. 1948. Greek History
Hellenic College/Holy Cross: An Update - #35 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Heresy of Salvation in a Moment, The. H.H. Pope Shenouda III. Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate, 1991. Ecumenical Issues
Heroes of Faith. Neale, J. M. Stories of Saints For Young & Old; 1989. Lives of the Saints
Hesychia and Theology. Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. The Context for Man's Healing in the Orthodox Church, 2007. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Historic Facts of St. Raphael's Holy Monastery. Kleidara, Evgenia (Igoumeni/Mother Superior of St. Raphael's Holy Monastery, Thermi Mytilini Greece). 2001. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
History, The: Herodotus. Herodotus. Translation of the history written, translated by David Grene; 1987. Greek History
History of the Byzantine State. Ostrogorsky, George. 1995. Church History
History of the Orthodox Church. Callinikos, Rev. Constantine. 1963. Church History
Holy Anargyroi Phone Directory: Celebrating 40 Years. Holy Anargyroi Saints Kosmas and Damianos Greek Orthodox Church. 1994. Local Interest
Holy Angels, The. Mother Alexandra. 1981. Lives of the Saints
Holy Bible - NKJV: Giant Print. . 1994. Bibles
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology [DVD]. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. 12 min. CDs/DVDs
Holy Cross Liturgical Hymnal. Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Greek & English, same book used here for Liturgy; 2 copies; 1988. Liturgies
Holy Days of the Russian Orthodox Church, The. Semanitzky, The Right Rev. John L. 1966. Orthodox Instruction
Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, The (in Arabic Braille). . . Bibles - Available on request
Holy Image, Holy Space, Part 1 - #10 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Icons and Frescoes from Greece, Part 1: Windows to Heaven; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Holy Image, Holy Space, Part 2 - #11 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Icons and Frescoes from Greece, Part 2: Theology in Colors; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Holy Relics: The Scriptural and Historical Basis for the Veneration of Relics of the Saints. Frazier, T. L. 1997. Orthodox Instruction
Holy Spirit in the Theology of Sergius Bulgakov, The. Graves, Charles. 1972. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Holy Tradition and the Interfaith Challenge [VHS]. Joanides, Rev. Dr. Charles. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Holy Week and Pascha. Briere, J. Euphemia. 2007. Children's Books
Holy Week, Part One - #20 [VHS]. GOTelecom. From Triumph to Tomb; 58 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Holy Week, Part Two - #21 [VHS]. GOTelecom. From Tomb to Triumph; 58 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Holy Women of the Syrian Orient. Brock, Sebastian P., & Susan Ashbrook Harvey. 1987. Lives of the Saints
Hope of the Hopeless, The Savior of the Tempest-Tossed, Vol. I, The. Nicozisin, Fr. George. Sermons by Fr. Nicozisin; Liturgical Life & Liturgical Cycle; 2 copies; 1985. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Hope of the Hopeless, The Savior of the Tempest-Tossed, Vol. II, The. Nicozisin, Fr. George. Sermons by Fr. Nicozisin; Liturgical Experience & Liturgical Potpourri; 2 copies; 1985. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
House of God. Marchenko, Vyacheslav. 1997. Children's Books
How are we Saved?: The Understanding of Salvation in the Orthodox Tradition. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. 1996. Orthodox Instruction
How Do I Choose the Right Partner For Life?. Holley, Fr. Deacon Stephen. 2003. Counseling Helps
How to Make Orthodox Prosfora (Altar Bread) [VHS]. Vyver, Jane M. de. 60 min, 1995. Videos
How To Raise Your Children For Christ. Murray, Andrew. 1975. Counseling Helps
How to Respond to ... the New Age Movement. Lochhaas, Philip H. 1988. Contemporary Issues
Hymn of Entry. Archimandrite Vasileios of Stavronikita. Liturgy and Life in the Orthodox Church, 1998. Orthodox Instruction
Hymns: Ancient Tools to Teach the Faith [VHS]. Onest, Phyllis Meshel, M.Div. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Hymns of Praise - #4 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Celebratory Liturgies of the 29th Clergy-Laity Congress; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
I Confess One Baptism.... Metallinos, Fr. George D. 1994. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Iakovos: The Making of an Archbishop. Stephanopoulos, Nikki (ed.). 1996. Picture Books
Icon, The. Knopf, Alfred A. The Byzantine Tradition in Europe, Russia, and the Near East Through Seven Major Epochs; 1982. Iconography
Icon, The: Image of the Invisible. Sendler, Egon. Elements of Theology Aesthetics and Technique, 1981. Iconography
Icon and Pulpit: The Protestant-Orthodox Encounter. Calian, Carnegie Samuel. 1968. Ecumenical Issues
Iconographer's Patternbook, An: The Stroganov Tradition. Kelley, Fr. Christopher P. (translator & ed.). 1992. Iconography
Icons: Images of God [VHS]. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. 24 min. Videos
Icons: What Do They Teach Us? [VHS]. Onest, Phyllis Meshel, M.Div. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Icons of Cyprus. Papageorghiou, A. 1992. Picture Books
If My Arms Were Wings. Nettleton Students. Second Collection of Poetry by Nettleton Students of Duluth, dedicated to Sen. Sam Solon; 2005. Local Interest
In Defense of Absolutes: Orthodox Catechetics in a Postmodern World [VHS]. Marangos, Rev. Dr. Frank. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
In Loving Memory of Father Archimandrite Jerome [DVD]. AJMJ Design. 2010. Videos
In Season and Out of Season. Contos, Fr. Leonidas. 1972. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Interfaith Marriage Challenge In Our Archdiocese, The [VHS]. Joanides, Rev. Dr. Charles. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
InterMarriage: Orthodox Perspectives. Vrame, Anton C. 1997. Counseling Helps
Introducing the Orthodox Church: Its Faith and Life. Coniaris, Anthony M. 3 copies, 1982. Orthodox Instruction
Introduction to Liturgical Theology. Schmemann, Alexander. 1966. Liturgies
Introduction to Orthodox Christianity, Part 1 [DVD]. Courey, Michael K. 3 Discs per Part; Based on the book "The Orthodox Church" by Bishop Kallistos Ware. CDs/DVDs
Introduction to Orthodox Christianity, Part 2 [DVD]. Courey, Michael K. 3 Discs per Part; Based on the book "The Orthodox Church" by Bishop Kallistos Ware. CDs/DVDs
Ionian Village - #26 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Orthodox Summer Travel Programs, 30 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Islam Encounters Christ. Metwalli, Nahed Mahmoud. A Fanatical Muslim's Encounter With Christ in the Coptic Orthodox Church; a personal narrative; 2002. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Islam Unveiled. Al-Araby, Abdullah. 2004. Contemporary Issues
Islamic Imperialism: A History. Karsh, Efraim. 2007. World History
Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus [VHS]. Constantinou, Presvytera Eugenia, Th.M. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Jesus Prayer, The. Mathewes-Green, Frederica. The Ancient Desert Prayer That Tunes the Heart to God, 2009. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Jesus Prayer in Eastern Spirituality, The. Winkler, Gabriele. 1986. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
John the Baptist: Prophet and Evangelist. Kazmierski, Carl R. 1996. Lives of the Saints
Journey to Heaven. St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. Counsels on the Particular Duties of Every Christian, 1994. Writings of the Saints
Ladder of Divine Ascent, The. St. John Climacus. Softcover, The Classics of Western Spirituality Series, 1982. Writings of the Saints
Ladder of Divine Ascent, The. St. John Climacus. Hardcover version, 2001. Writings of the Saints
Land of Crete: Land of the First European Civilization [ΓΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ: ΓΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΩΤΟΥ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟΥ]. Meis, George. Greek & English, 2000. Picture Books
Lanterns, Dragons, & Dreams. Nettleton Students. First Collection of Poetry by Nettleton Students dedicated to Sen. Sam Solon; 2 copies; 2003. Local Interest
Last Byzantine Renaissance, The. Runciman, Steven. 1970. Church History
Lectures on the Christian Sacraments. St. Cyril of Jerusalem. Edited by F.L. Cross; intro in English, text in Greek & English; 1977. Writings of the Saints
Lenten Cookbook for Orthodox Christians, A. St. Nectarios Press, Seattle, WA. 2 copies, 1982. Cookbooks
Let Mercy Abound. Harakas, Stanley S. Social Concern in the Greek Orthodox Church, 1983. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Let the Little Children Come to Me: Stories of Children Martyrs. St. John Chrysostomos Greek Orthodox Monastery. 2002. Lives of the Saints
Letter to the Hebrews, The. Barclay, William. The Daily Study Bible Series, 1976. Bible Commentaries
Letters From a Convert: Missionary Letters from an Orthodox Convert to Her Protestant Parents. Friesel, Marianna. 1982. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Letters to a Beginner: On Giving One's Life to God. Abbess Thaisia of Leushino. Writings from the early 1900s of Abbess Thaisia, a Spiritual Mother of Holy Russia, 2 copies, 1993. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Letters to the Corinthians, The. Barclay, William. The Daily Study Bible Series, 1975. Bible Commentaries
Letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians, The. Barclay, William. The Daily Study Bible Series, 1975. Bible Commentaries
Life After Death. Hierotheos, Metropolitan of Nafpaktos. 2005. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Life of Greece, The. Durant, Will. 1966. Greek History
Life of Saint Brigid, The: Abbess of Kildare. Meyer, Jane G. 2009. Children's Books
Light Still Bright, A - #55 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; 58 min; 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Lipsi's Daughter. Apostolides, Patty. 2004. Greek Literature
Little Russian Philokalia: Vol. 1: St. Seraphim. St. Seraphim. 1996. Writings of the Saints
Lives of the Saints, Volume 1: September. St. Demetrius of Rostov. Originally compiled in 1914, translated by Fr. Thomas Marretta, 1994. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints, Volume 2: October. St. Demetrius of Rostov. Originally compiled in 1914, translated by Fr. Thomas Marretta, 1995. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints, Volume 3: November. St. Demetrius of Rostov. Originally compiled in 1914, translated by Fr. Thomas Marretta, 1997. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints and Major Feast Days. Poulos, Rev. Fr. George. Originally written for Sunday School children; 1986. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints For Young People, Volume 3. Puhalo, Rev. Lev. 1976. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints For Young People, Volume 4. Puhalo, Rev. Lev. 1977. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints For Young People, Volume 6. Puhalo, Rev. Lev. 1978. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints For Young People, Volume 7. Puhalo, Fr. Lazar. 1982. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints For Young People, Volume 8. Puhalo, Fr. Lazar. 1982. Lives of the Saints
Lives of the Saints For Young People, Volume 9. Puhalo, Fr. Lazar. 1983. Lives of the Saints
Lives of Two Sainted Christian Families, The. Hronas, Georgia, & Helen Hronas. Part 1: Sts. Efstathius and Theopistie and Their Two Children Agapius and Theopistus; Part 2: The Holy Martyr Sophia and Her Three Daughters Faith, Hope and Agape; 1995. Lives of the Saints
Living the Jesus Prayer. Zaleski, Irma. 1993. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Living the Liturgy. Harakas, Stanley S. 1974. Orthodox Instruction
Love. Bishop Chrysostomos of Oreoi. 1990. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Love, Medicine, & Miracles. Siegel, Bernie S., M.D. Lessons Learned About Self-Healing From a Surgeon's Experience With Exceptional Patients; 1986. Counseling Helps
Lucia: Saint of Light. Hyde, Katherine Bolger. 2008. Children's Books
Macedonia: History and Politics. Center for Macedonians Abroad, Society For Macedonian Studies. 1991. World History
Making America Orthodox. Gillquist, Peter E. 1984. Orthodox Instruction
Making Ethical Decisions: An Orthodox Perspective [VHS]. Papanikolaou, Dr. Aristotle. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Making God Real in the Orthodox Christian Home. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1977. Orthodox Instruction
Making the Right Choice. Nicozisin, Fr. George. About Marriage, 1987. Counseling Helps
“Male and Female Created He Them": An Examination of the Mystery of Human Gender. Anstall, Dr. Kharalambos. 1995. Contemporary Issues
March 25th: Greek Independence Day - #17 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
March 25th Parish Dinner [VHS]. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. VHS Video; 1986. Local Interest
Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective. Meyendorff, John. 1975. Counseling Helps
Marriage as a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married Saints. Ford, David, & Mary Ford. 1994. Lives of the Saints
Mary: The Untrodden Portal of God. Gabriel, George S. 2000. Lives of the Saints
Mary the Birthgiver of God. St. John Maximovitch. 1996. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Mastering Greek. Barron's. 12 audio cassettes+1 book; Same course used by the U.S. Government to train Diplomatic Personnel; 1988. Learning Greek
Mastering the Art of Marriage. Nasr, V. Rev. Constantine. Staying Together When the World Pulls You Apart, 2010. Counseling Helps
Maximus Confessor: Selected Writings. Maximus the Confessor. Translation & notes by George C. Berthold, The Classics of Western Spirituality Series, 1985. Writings of the Saints
Meaning of Suffering and Strife & Reconciliation, The. Aleksiev, Archimandrite Seraphim. 1994. Counseling Helps
Mechanism of Catastrophe, The. Vryonis, Speros Jr. The Turkish Pogrom of September 6-7, 1955, and the Destruction of the Greek Community of Istanbul; 2005. Greek History
Meet Jesus in the Sunday Gospels, Vol. I. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1986. Bible Commentaries
Merchant Venturers In Bronze. Peake, Harold, & Herbert John Fleure. Corridors of Time Series, Book VII; 1931. World History
Mere Christianity. Lewis, C.S. 1952. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Message of Orthodoxy, The [VHS]. Costopoulo, Rev. Paul. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Message of the Sunday Gospel Readings, The, Volume I. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1982. Bible Commentaries
Message of the Sunday Gospel Readings, The, Volume II. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1983. Bible Commentaries
Millennium of Faith: Christianity in Russia 988-1988 A.D.. House, Francis. 1988. Church History
Ministering to the Elderly [VHS]. Pilavas, Rev. Dr. Nicholas. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Ministering to the Youth [VHS]. Bourantas, Rev. Anastasios. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Ministry to the Hospitalized. Niklas, Gerald R., & Charlotte Stefanics. 1975. Counseling Helps
Miracles of Christ, The [ΤΑ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ]. Frangos, Rev. Demetrios. Greek & English, Sunday School Materials;1957. Children's Books
Missions - #37 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Modern Greek - Part I. Papaloizos, Theodore C., Ph.D. 8 audio cassettes; no book; 1986. Learning Greek
Modern Greek Reader. Pappageotes, George C., Ph.D. Modern Greek Prose and Poetry in Greek & English, Introduction in English; 1972. Learning Greek
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook: Vol. 4, 1988. University of Minnesota. 1988. Greek History
Modern Orthodox Saints, Vol. 1: St. Cosmas Aitolos. Cavarnos, Constantine. 1985. Lives of the Saints
Mom, I'll Stop Crying, If You Stop Crying: A Courageous Battle Against A Deadly Disease. Samaras, Robert. 1995. Counseling Helps
Monasteries of the Island of Ioannina: Painting. Garidis, Miltos, & Athanasios Paliouras. 1993. Picture Books
Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, The: The Church and Fortress of Justinian. Forsyth, George H., & Kurt Weitzmann. 1965. Picture Books
Monastic Wisdom. Elder Joseph the Hesychast. 1998. Writings of the Saints
Monk Who Grew Prayer, The. Brandenburg, Claire. 2003. Children's Books
Monks and Monasteries of the Egyptian Deserts. Meinardus, Otto F.A. 1992. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
More Challenge Questions on Orthodoxy (A to Z) for Students, Vol. 2. Woloschak, Gayle E. 2002. Orthodox Instruction
Mount Athos Through Old Photographs [ΑΓΙΟΗ ΟΡΟС: Ο ΑΘωС ΜΕСА ΑΠΟ ΠΑΛΙΕС ΦωΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕС]. Malliaris. 1985. Picture Books
Move With Power!. . Booklet on Rochester Superintendent Harry Vakos; 1987. Local Interest
Murdered Magicians, The: The Templars and Their Myths. Partner, Peter. 1987. World History
Musical Journey Through Greece, A [CD]. Papapostolou, Dimitri. In Greek; 2 Discs: 1- From the Cross to Resurrection, 2- A Musical Journey Through Greece; 2003. CDs/DVDs
My Forty Day Blessing Book. Kyriacou, Christina. 2007. Children's Books
My Mother's Sin and Other Stories. Vizyenos, Georgios. 1988. Greek Literature
Mycenaeans, The. Taylour, Lord William. Revised and enlarged edition, 1983. World History
Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit, The. St. Photios. Translation & foreword by Joseph P. Farrell, 1987. Writings of the Saints
Mystery of Death, The. Vassiliadis, Nikolaos P. 1993. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Mystical Supper: Byzantine Chant in English [CD]. Boston Byzantine Choir. 2000. CDs/DVDs
Myths of Greece and Rome. Guerber, H. A. 1893. Greek Literature
Networking the Oratorical Festival [VHS]. Orfanakos, Presvytera Margaret. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
New Miracles of Saint Raphael. Kleidara, Eugenia. 1996. Lives of the Saints
New Smyrna: An Eighteenth Century Greek Odyssey. Panagopoulos, E. P. 1978. Greek History
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, First Series, Vol. X. Schaff, Philip. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew; 1986. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, First Series, Vol. XI. Schaff, Philip. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle of the Romans; 1986. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, First Series, Vol. XII. Schaff, Philip. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians; 1983. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, First Series, Vol. XIV. Schaff, Philip. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews; 1983. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. IV. Schaff, Philip. St. Athanasius, 1980. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. IX. Schaff, Philip. St. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus; 1973. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. V. Schaff, Philip. Gregory of Nyssa, 1983. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. VII. Schaff, Philip. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Gregory Nazianzen; 1983. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. VIII. Schaff, Philip. St. Basil, 1973. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. X. Schaff, Philip. St. Ambrose, 1979. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. XII. Schaff, Philip. Leo the Great, Gregory the Great; 1983. Writings of the Saints
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, The, Second Series, Vol. XIV. Schaff, Philip. The Seven Ecumenical Councils, 1977. Writings of the Saints
Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain: A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain. Translation & foreword by Peter A. Chamberas; The Classics of Western Spirituality Series;1989. Writings of the Saints
No Man Ever Spoke As This Man: The Great I Am's of Jesus. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1969. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
No Matter How Deep the Darkness, He Descends Deeper Still: The Descent of Jesus Into Hades. Coniaris, Anthony M. 2006. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Non-Orthodox, The: The Orthodox Teaching on Christians Outside of the Church. Barnes, Patrick. 1999. Orthodox Instruction
Not Even My Name. Halo, Thea. From a Death March in Turkey to a New Home in America, A Young Girl's True Story of Genocide and Survival; 2000. Greek History
NRSV Concordance, The, Unabridged. Kohlenberger, John R. III. 1991. Bible Commentaries
Obedience is Life: Elder Ephraim of Katounakia. Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi. 2003. Writings of the Saints
Of Lobbyists and Lawmakers - #47 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek American Presence in Washington, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Of Tears and Triumphs. Photopulos, Georgia & Bud. 1988. Counseling Helps
Of Water and the Spirit. Schmemann, Alexander. A Liturgical Study of Baptism, 1974. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Old Testament, The: Introduction, Volume 1. Tarazi, Paul Nadim. Historical Traditions, 1991. Bible Commentaries
Old Testament Prophets. Vellas. In Greek; 1947. Books in Greek
On Death and Dying. Kuebler-Ross, Elisabeth. What the dying have to teach doctors, nurses, clergy and their own families; 1969. Counseling Helps
On Noah's Ark. Brett, Jan. 2003. Children's Books
On Prayer. St. John of Kronstadt. Extracts from his writings, 1985. Writings of the Saints
On the Ascetical Life. St. Isaac of Nineveh. 1989. Writings of the Saints
On the Divine Images. St. John of Damascus. Translated by David Anderson, 1980. Writings of the Saints
On the Divine Liturgy: Orthodox Homilies, Vol. I. Kantiotes, Augoustinos N., Bishop of Florina, Greece. 1986. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
On the Divine Liturgy: Orthodox Homilies, Vol. Two. Kantiotes, Augoustinos N., Bishop of Florina, Greece. 1986. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
On the Holy Spirit. St. Basil the Great. 1980. Writings of the Saints
On the Human Condition. St. Basil the Great. Translation & Introduction by Nonna Verna Harrison, 2005. Writings of the Saints
On the Incarnation. St. Athanasius. 2 copies; 1982. Writings of the Saints
On the Invocation of the Name of Jesus. A Monk of the Eastern Church (Fr. Lev (Louis) Gillet). 1949. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
On the Priesthood. St. John Chrysostom. Translation & intro by Graham Neville, 2 copies, 1977, 1984. Writings of the Saints
On the Upbringing of Children. Bishop Irenaius. 1991. Counseling Helps
On the Wings of Hermes - #49 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Americans and the Media, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Once Delivered to the Saints: An Orthodox Apology For the New Millennium. Azkoul, Fr. Michael. 2000. Orthodox Instruction
One Thing Needful, The: Meditations for the Busy Orthodox Woman. Jonopulos, Colette D. 1996. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Ordination of Women in the Orthodox Church, The. Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth, & Bishop Kallistos Ware. 2000. Contemporary Issues
Orthodox, The. Meyendorff, John. Ecumenical series, 1966. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Adult Bible Study: The Book of Isaiah as Taught by the Holy Fathers. Manley, Johanna. The Treasury of Blessings Series, 1999. Bible Commentaries
Orthodox Adult Bible Study: The Book of Job, The Church, and the Holy Fathers. Manley, Johanna. The Treasury of Blessings Series, 1999. Bible Commentaries
Orthodox Adult Bible Study: The Epistle to the Hebrews. Manley, Johanna. The Treasury of Blessings Series, 1999. Bible Commentaries
Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion - #38 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Orthodox Christian Beliefs: Real Answers to Real Questions from Real People. Harakas, Stanley S. Religious Knowing, One God: A Trinity of Divine Persons, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Creation, Human Beings, The Church, Saints, Salvation, Suffering and Evil, Icons, Heaven and Hell, End Times: Christ's Second Coming, Theology and Life; 2002. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Christian Readings. Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry. A Selection of 366 Readings on the Ancient Christian Faith; Orthodox Christian Journey Series; 1999. Writings of the Saints
Orthodox Church, The. Ware, Timothy. A clear, detailed introduction to the Orthodox Church written for the non-Orthodox as well as for Orthodox Christians who wish to know more about their own tradition, 2 copies; 1997. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Church, The: 455 Questions and Answers. Harakas, Stanley S. A Concise and Comprehensive Handbook on the Orthodox Faith Thoroughly Indexed for Easy Reference, 1987. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Church, The: A Well-Kept Secret. Nicozisin, Fr. George. A Journey Through Church History; 1988. Church History
Orthodox Church A to Z, The: A Practical Handbook of Beliefs, Liturgy, Sacraments, Customs, Theology, History and Prayers for Orthodox Christians. Grube, Fr. George. 2007. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical Movement, The. Patelos, Constantin G. (ed.). World Council of Churches. Documents & Statements 1902-1975; 1978. Ecumenical Issues
Orthodox Faith, The: bible and church history (volume iii). Hopko, Fr. Thomas. 1979. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Faith, The: doctrine (volume i). Hopko, Fr. Thomas. 1981. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Faith, The: spirituality (volume iv). Hopko, Fr. Thomas. 1984. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Faith, The: worship (volume ii). Hopko, Fr. Thomas. 1972. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Hymns for Children, Volume 1. Morosan, Vladimir. English; illustrations + music (staffs), 2-part harmony; 1986. Liturgies
Orthodox Iconography. Cavarnos, Constantine. 1986. Iconography
Orthodox Iconography. Kalokyris, Constantine. 1965. Iconography
Orthodox Liturgical Dress. Archimandrite Chrysostomos. An Historical Treatment, 1981. Liturgies
Orthodox Liturgy, The. Patrinacos, Rev. Nicon D. Includes Bible readings and liturgy descriptions, 1976. Liturgies
Orthodox Prayer Life: The Interior Way. Matthew the Poor (Fr. Matta El-Meskeen). 2003. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Orthodox Saints - 3. Poulos, George. 1991. Lives of the Saints
Orthodox Self, The [VHS]. Chryssavgis, Rev. Dr. John. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Orthodox Spirituality: a brief introduction. Bishop of Nafpaktos Hierotheos. 1992. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Orthodox Spirituality: An Outline of the Orthodox Ascetical and Mystical Tradition. A Monk of the Eastern Church (Fr. Lev (Louis) Gillet). 1978. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Orthodox Study Bible, The. . Hardcover, new + old testament, 2008. Bibles
Orthodox Study Bible, The: New Testament and Psalms. . 1 Hardcover copy + 1 Softcover copy, 1997. Bibles
Orthodox Theology: An Introduction. Lossky, Vladimir. 1978. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Understanding of Holy Tradition in the Old Testament [VHS]. Chamberas, Rev. Dr. Peter. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Orthodox View of Abortion, An. Kowalczyk, Rev. Fr. John. 1979. Contemporary Issues
Orthodox Way, The. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. 2 copies, 1979, 1995. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodox Way of Life, The [VHS]. GOTelecom. Holy Cross Live Series; 29 min, 1992. Videos
Orthodox Witness Through the Internet [VHS]. Nicolakis, Mr. Theo, M. Div. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Orthodox Women: Their Role and Participation in the Orthodox Church. World Council of Churches. Report on the Consultation of Orthodox Women, Sept. 11-17, 1976, Agapia, Romania; 1977. Contemporary Issues
Orthodox Worship: A Living Continuity With the Synagogue, the Temple, and the Early Church. Williams, Benjamin D., & Harold B. Anstall. Another copy is in Orthodox Instruction; 1990. Liturgies
Orthodox Worship: A Living Continuity With the Synagogue, the Temple, and the Early Church. Williams, Benjamin D., & Harold B. Anstall. Another copy in Liturgies section, 1990. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodoxy: A Creed For Today. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1972. Orthodox Instruction
Orthodoxy and Catholicism: What are the differences?. Pulcini, Fr. Theodore. 1995. Ecumenical Issues
Orthodoxy and Ecology: Resource Book. Belopopsky, Alexander, & Dimitri Oikonomou (ed.). 1996. Contemporary Issues
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy. Damick, Andrew Stephen. Exploring Belief Systems Through the Lens of the Ancient Christian Faith, 2011. Ecumenical Issues
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. Rose, Fr. Seraphim. 2004. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Orthodoxy, Culture, and Secularism [VHS]. Papanikolaou, Dr. Aristotle. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, & Anglicanism. Fouyas, Archbishop Methodios. 1972. Ecumenical Issues
Other Holy Land, The [VHS]. Gateway Films. A Journey to Authentic Biblical and Early Christian Sites in Turkey; 56 min. Videos
Our Church and Our Children. Koulomzin, Sophie. 1975. Counseling Helps
Our Roots: Holidays & Customs [ΟΙ ΡΙΖΕΣ ΜΑΣ: Έλληνικές Γιορτές καί 'Έθιμα]. ΛΙΤΣΑ, ΦΩΤΙΟΥ Κ. Greek-English glossary in back. Books in Greek
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, The (3 Volume Set). Oxford University Press. 1991. Church History
Oxford English-Greek Learner's Dictionary. Stavropoulos, D. N. 2004. Learning Greek
Oxford Greek-English Learner's Dictionary. Stavropoulos, D. N. 2003. Learning Greek
Pacifist Option, The. Webster, Alexander F. C. The Moral Argument Against War in Eastern Orthodox Theology, 1998. Contemporary Issues
Palaces of Crete, The. Graham, James Walter. 1962. Greek History
Papa-Nicholas Planas: The Simple Shepherd of the Simple Sheep. Holy Transfiguration Monastery. 1981. Lives of the Saints
Paradise on Your Doorstep. Coniaris, Anthony M. Brief meditations on Revelation 3:20; 1996. Bible Commentaries
Parish '85 Appreciation Dinner [VHS]. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. VHS Video; 1985. Local Interest
Parish Administration For Christ-Centered Communities [VHS]. Kyriacou, Rev. Steven. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Parish For All Alaska, A [VHS]. St. Innocent Orthodox Church. 30 min. Videos
Part 1: The Beginnings - #70 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 1; 29 min; 2 English copies + 1 Greek copy; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 1: The Beginnings - #70 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 1; 29 min; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 2: Byzantium - #71 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 2; 29 min; 2 English copies + 1 Greek copy; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 2: Byzantium - #71 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 2; 29 min; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 3: A Hidden Treasure - #72 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 3; 29 min; 2 English copies + 1 Greek copy; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 3: A Hidden Treasure - #72 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 3; 29 min; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 4: Baptism & Chrismation - #73 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 4; 46 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 6: Penance - #75 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 6; 48 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 6: Penance - #75 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 6; 38 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 7: Holy Matrimony - #76 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 7; 36 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 8: Holy Unction - #77 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 8; 34 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 8: Holy Unction - #77 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 8; 34 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Pascha, the Feast of Feasts. Mother Melania. 2006. Children's Books
Pascha: The Resurrection of Christ [DVD]. GOTelecom. 1 hr; 2009. Videos
Paschal Fire in Jerusalem, The. Bishop Auxentios of Photiki. A Study of the Rite of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 1993. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Pastoral Psychology and Inner Conflict. Kornarakis, Ioannis K. 1991. Counseling Helps
Path to Salvation, The. St. Theophan the Recluse. A Manual of Spiritual Transformation, 1998. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Patmos [VHS]. . . Videos
Patmos: Treasures of the Monastery. Kominis, Athanasios D. English - Note: Library also has Greek version, 1988. Picture Books
Patmos: Treasures of the Monastery [ΟΙ ΘΗΣ ΑΥΡΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΜΟΝΗΣ ΠΑΤΜΟΥ]. Kominis, Athanasios D. Greek only- Note : Library also has English version, 1988. Picture Books
Patriarchal Divine Liturgy [ΠΑΤΡΙΑΡΧΙΚΗ ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ]. Greek Orthodox Diocese of Chicago. Greek & English, 1990. Liturgies
Person in the Orthodox Tradition, The. Hierotheos, Metropolitan of Nafpaktos. 2002. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Perspectives on Living the Orthodox Faith. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1984. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Philokalia: The Bible of Orthodox Spirituality. Coniaris, Anthony M. Orthodox Spirituality for the Lay Person, 1998. Writings of the Saints
Philokalia, The: The Bible of Orthodox Tradition [VHS]. Coniaris, Rev. Anthony. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Philokalia, The: The Complete Text, Vol. 1. St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain & St. Makarios of Corinth (ed.). 1979. Writings of the Saints
Philokalia, The: The Complete Text, Vol. 2. St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain & St. Makarios of Corinth (ed.). 1981. Writings of the Saints
Philokalia, The: The Complete Text, Vol. 3. St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain & St. Makarios of Corinth (ed.). 1984. Writings of the Saints
Philokalia, The: The Complete Text, Vol. 4. St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain & St. Makarios of Corinth (ed.). 1995. Writings of the Saints
Philoxenia House [DVD]. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. In a short CD case. CDs/DVDs
Photius and the Carolingians: The Trinitarian Controversy. Haugh, Richard. 1975. Church History
Pilgrim to the Russian Church: An American Journalist Encounters a Vibrant Religious Faith in the Soviet Union. Forest, Jim. 1988. World History
Pilgrimage to Mount Athos (ΠΡΟΣΚΥΝΗΜΑ ΣΤΟ ΑΓΙΟΝ ΟΡΟС) [CD-ROM]. MLS Multimedia. Windows CD-ROM; English & Greek. CDs/DVDs
Pimsleur Quick & Simple Russian [CDs]. . 4 CD set, no book, 2001. Learning Russian
Place of the Woman in the Orthodox Church and the Question of the Ordination of Women, The. Limouris, Gennadios (ed.). Interorthodox Symposium, Rhodos, Greece; 30 October - 7 November 1988; 345 pg. book;1988. Contemporary Issues
Place of the Woman in the Orthodox Church and the Question of the Ordination of Women, The. St. Vladimir's Quarterly. First printed in St. Vladimir's Quarterly; conclusions of the Interorthodox Consultation; Rhodes, Greece, 30 October - 7 Nov. 1988; 22 pg. pamphlet; 1990. Contemporary Issues
Popes and Patriarchs. Whelton, Michael. An Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholic Claims, 2006. Ecumenical Issues
Prayer and Holiness. Staniloae, Dumitru. The Icon of Man Renewed in God, 1982. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Prayer Book and Hymnology (ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗΤΑΡΙΟΝ ΚΑΙ ΥΜΝΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ). Hatzopoulos, Rev. Harry P. Greek, English Phonetics, & English Translation, 1962. Liturgies
Prayers of the Day. Sister Thekla. The Service of the Hours; English; 1977. Liturgies
Praying With the Church Through the Christian Year: The Twelve Great Feast Days. Hales, Rachel. English, 1989. Liturgies
Preaching Another Christ: An Orthodox View of Evangelicalism. Saint Theophan the Recluse. 2001. Orthodox Instruction
Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit. Middleton, Herman A. The Lives & Counsels of Contemporary Elders of Greece, 2003. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Preparing For Confession. Letendre, L. Joseph. 1987. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Preparing To Receive Holy Communion. Avramis, Fr. Tom. A Guide to Frequent Participation In Holy Communion For the Orthodox Christian, 1986. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Preserve Them, O Lord. Mack, Fr. John. A guide for Orthodox couples in developing marital unity, 2 copies, 1996. Counseling Helps
Primacy of Learning, The - #44 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Profiles of Greek American Educators, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Prison Epistles, The: Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2 copies, 2003. Bible Commentaries
Proclaiming God's Word Today. Harakas, Stanley S. Preaching Concerns in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America; from lectures given at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology; 1988. Contemporary Issues
Prophetical Walk Through the Holy Land, A. Lindsey, Hal. 1983. World History
Psychology of Confession and the Orthodox Church, The. Gamvas, Nicholas V. 1989. Counseling Helps
Put Away Your Sword. . Speeches from four speakers, 1983. Contemporary Issues
Rachmaninov: The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, op31 [CD]. Corydon Singers. Church Slavonic, 1994. CDs/DVDs
Ravens of Farne, The: A Tale of Saint Cuthbert. Farley, Donna. 2009. Children's Books
Reader's Digest Bible, The. . 1982. Bibles
Real Break Constantinople. Orthodox Christian Fellowship. 2008. Church History
Relevance of Orthodoxy, The. Torrance, Rev. Prof. Thomas F. . Orthodox Instruction
Religion and Ethnicity - #32 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Religious Education - #36 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Renaming Orthodoxy in a Secular Culture: The Orthodox Tradition of Counter-Culture Resistance [VHS]. Schaeffer, Frank. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Renewing the Local Parish (Part I) [VHS]. Magoulias, Rev. Jon. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Renewing the Local Parish (Part II) [VHS]. Salmas, Rev. Peter. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Repentance and Confession in the Orthodox Church. Chryssavgis, John. 1990. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Republic of Cyprus, The: An Overview. Nicosia. 2002. World History
Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible. Brown, Raymond E. 1990. Bible Commentaries
Restoring Relationships: Five Things To Try Before You Say Goodbye. Kalellis, Peter M., Ph.D. 2001. Counseling Helps
Restoring Your Self: Five Ways to a Healthier, Happier, and More Creative Life. Kalellis, Peter M., Ph.D. 2002. Counseling Helps
Return. Antonopoulos, Arch. Nektarios. Repentance and confession; Return to God and to His Church; library also has a Greek copy in Books in Greek; 2002. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Right to Life, The. Macaila, Dr. Dumitru. The Eastern Orthodox Christian Perspective on Abortion, 2001. Contemporary Issues
Rise of the Greeks, The. Grant, Michael. 1987. Greek History
Road to Daulis, The: Psychoanalysis, Psychology, and Classical Mythology. Eisner, Robert. 1987. Greek Literature
Road to Rembetika (Ο Δρόμος του Ρεμπέτικου) [CD]. Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center. Sampler CD of Greek songs; 2006. CDs/DVDs
Rochester: The Images. Riggott, Dean A. 1997. Local Interest
Rochester, Minnesota: A Visual and Historic Journey. Riggott, Dean A. 2003. Local Interest
Role of Science in Orthodox Tradition, The [VHS]. Demopulos, Rev. Dr. Demetrios. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Roman Portraits I: NY Carlsberg Glyptotek. Johansen, Flemming. 1995. World History
Roman Portraits II: NY Carlsberg Glyptotek. Johansen, Flemming. 1995. World History
Roman Portraits III: NY Carlsberg Glyptotek. Johansen, Flemming. 1995. World History
Romania. Kina Italia/Eurografica. English & French. Picture Books
Romanian Patericon: Saints of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Volume One. Balan, Archimandrite Ioanichie. Third - Eighteenth Centuries, 1996. Lives of the Saints
Rome and Constantinople: Essays in the Dialogue of Love. Barringer, Robert (ed.). 1984. Ecumenical Issues
Royal Monastic: Princess Ileana of Romania. Cooke, Bev. 2008. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Royal Road, The: A Journey Through Great Lent [CD-ROM]. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Religious Education. Missing CD-ROM, 1999. CDs/DVDs
Rublev Trinity, The. Bunge, Gabriel. The Icon of the Trinity by the Monk-Painter Andrei Rublev, 2007. Iconography
Russian Coursebook [+CDs]. Living Language. 1 Coursebook & 3 CDs (“Complete Russian - The Basics”), 2005. Learning Russian
Russian in 10 minutes a day. Kershul, Kristine. 2002. Learning Russian
Russian Learner's Dictionary. Living Language. 1993. Learning Russian
Sacraments and Services, Book 1. Kezios, Protopresbyter Spencer T. (ed.). The Sacraments; Greek & English; 1993. Liturgies
Sacraments and Services, Book 2. Kezios, Protopresbyter Spencer T. (ed.). Greek & English; 1995. Liturgies
Sacraments and Services, Book 3. Kezios, Protopresbyter Spencer T. (ed.). The Funeral Services; Greek & English; 1995. Liturgies
Sacred Gift of Life, The: Orthodox Christianity and Bioethics. Breck, John. 1998. Contemporary Issues
Sacred Tradition: A Treasure Trove For Religious Educators [VHS]. Coniaris, Rev. Anthony. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Sacred Tradition in the Orthodox Church. Moore, Lazarus. 1984. Orthodox Instruction
Sacrifice of Praise: In Honor of Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago. Fiorentinos, Panos. Beginning pages are about Metropolitan Iakovos, but most of the book is Ecclesia: Greek Orthodox Churches of the Chicago Metropolis, with many photos of the iconography in the churches in the Metropolis; 2004. Local Interest
Saint Anthony [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “The Pillar of Orthodoxy", 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Athanasios [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “They Called Him God's Hammer," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Basil [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “The One Who Opened the Heavens For Us," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Catherine [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “The Renowned Bride of Christ," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Demetrios [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “Divine Protector," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Dionysios [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “The Saint of Forgiveness," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint George [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “Combatant of Kings," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Haralambos [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “The Man Who Wouldn't Die," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Helen [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “Finder of the Holy Cross," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Magdalene. Kleidara, Mother Superior Eugenia. 2002. Lives of the Saints
Saint Moses the Ethiopian. Sanderson, Fr. Jerome. African Saints Series, 2002. Lives of the Saints
Saint Nektarios [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “A Saint in Our Time," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Nektarios: A Saint For Our Times. Chondropoulos, Sotos. 1989. Lives of the Saints
Saint Nicholas [VHS]. Ellinas Multimedia. “They called him the Wonder-worker," 30 min. VHS Video - The Saints
Saint Nicholas: A Saint For All Seasons [VHS]. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. 29 min. Videos
Saint Seraphim of Sarov: A Spiritual Biography. Moore, Archimandrite Lazarus. 1994. Lives of the Saints
Saint Seraphim of Sarov: An Icon of Orthodox Spirituality. Evdokimov, Paul. 1988. Lives of the Saints
Saints and Sisterhood: The Lives of Forty-Eight Holy Women. Topping, Eva Catafygiotu. 1990. Lives of the Saints
Saints of the British Isles. Peterson, Vincent, et al. 1981. Lives of the Saints
Scandal of Gender, The: Early Christian Teaching On the Man and the Woman. Mitchell, Patrick. 1998. Contemporary Issues
SCOBA Conference - Chicago, IL, Oct. 2006 [DVD]. GOTelecom. 2 Discs: 1 - Five Workshops of the 2006 Conference, 2 - The Role of SCOBA Agencies, Commissions & Endorsed Groups. CDs/DVDs
Scripture in Tradition. Breck, John. The Bible and its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church, 2001. Bible Commentaries
Second Look at the Second Coming, A. Frazier, T. L. 1999. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Seeing is Believing: Exploring Icons [VHS]. Vrame, Dr. Tony. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Serbian Patericon: Saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Volume One. Rogich, Fr. Daniel. Jan-Apr; 1994. Lives of the Saints
Serbian Tradition [VHS]. . . Videos
Serbs, The: The Guardians of the Gate. Laffan, R.G.D. 1989. World History
Serve the Lord With Gladness. A Monk of the Eastern Church (Fr. Lev (Louis) Gillet). Our Life in the Liturgy; Be My Priest; 1990. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Service of Consecration, The (Η ΤΕΛΕΤΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΓΚΑΙΝΙΩΝ). St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church and Shrine. Greek & English, 2004. Liturgies
Service of the Small Paraklesis to the Most Holy Theotokos, The (ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΙΚΡΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΚΛΗΣΕΩΣ ΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΥΠΕΡΑΓΙΑΝ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΟΝ). Kangelaris, Demetri, & Nicholas Kasemeotes (Translated & set to meter). Greek & English, 1984. Liturgies
Sex, Love, or Infatuation?. Short, Ray E. 1978. Counseling Helps
Shameful Act, A: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility. Akcam, Taner. 2006. World History
Shaping Communities of Faith Through Religious Education [VHS]. Marangos, Rev. Dr. Frank. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Sharing in Song!. National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. Ed. by Nicholas & Connie Maragos; Some Greek & some English, with music & chords; 1984. Liturgies
Sharing the Light - #14 [VHS]. GOTelecom. Christmas with His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos; 29 min; 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Shepherding the Flock: The Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to Timothy and Titus. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2 copies, 2008. Bible Commentaries
Short History of Byzantium, A. Norwich, John Julius. 2 copies: 1 hardcover and 1 softcover; 1997. Church History
Short History of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, A. Efthimiou, Rev. Dr. Milton B., & Archon Christo Daphnides (ed.). From the book "Ecumenical Patriarchate" e. Tzaferis, Athens, 1993. Church History
Short History of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, A (330-1990). Geanakoplos, Deno J. 1990. Church History
Sign of the Cross, The. Andreopoulos, Andreas. The gesture, the mystery, the history; 2006. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Sin and Repentance [VHS]. Varvarelis, Rev. Michael. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
Sing Along With Thea Annie. Patselas, Jennifer, et al. Fun Songs for Learning Greek; Includes CD; 2003. Learning Greek
Snuggles: The Bunny Who Helped Me Find God. Johnson, Myra T. 2007. Children's Books
Song of Songs. Gregory of Nyssa. Commentary on the Song of Songs; translated & introduction by Casimir McCambley. Writings of the Saints
Songs [CD]. Eikona. 2004. CDs/DVDs
Soul of Russia [CD]. LYRA Vocal Ensemble. Missing CD, 2001. CDs/DVDs
Soul, The Body and Death; The. Puhalo, V. Rev. Abbot Lazar. 1985. Orthodox Instruction
Spirit of God, The. Hopko, Fr. Thomas. 1976. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Spiritual Awakening. Elder Paisios of Mount Athos. 2008. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Spiritual Counsels. Fr. John of Kronstadt. Select Passages From "My Life in Christ"; Edited by W. Jardine Grisbrooke; 1989. Writings of the Saints
Spiritual Gems From the Book of Psalms. St. John Chrysostom. Translated by Robert Charles Hill, 2004. Writings of the Saints
Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned To It, The. St. Theophan the Recluse. Translated by Alexandra Dockham, 1995. Writings of the Saints
Spiritual Portrait of Saint John of Kronstadt, A. Archimandrite Constantine. 1982. Lives of the Saints
State Historical and Cultural Museum of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, The (Photoalbum) [КИЄВО-ПЕЧЕРСЬКИЙ ДЕРЖАВНИЙ ІСТОРИКО-КУЛЬТУРНИЙ ЗАПОВІДНИК ФОТОАЛЪБОМ]. Kiev Mistetstvo Publishers. Russian & some English, 1990. Church History
State of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Americas - #30 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Steps of Transformation: An Orthodox Priest Explores the Twelve Steps. Webber, Fr. Meletios. 2003. Counseling Helps
Stories, Sermons, and Prayers of St. Nephon: An Ascetic Bishop. St. Nephon. Translated from the Greek by Jeannie E. Gentithes and Archim. Ignatios Apostolopoulos; 1989. Writings of the Saints
Story of Icons, The. Hallick, Mary Paloumpis. 2001. Children's Books
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Strong, James. Showing every word of the text of the common English version of the canonical books, and every occurrence of each word in regular order together with dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek words of the original, with references to the English words. Bible Commentaries
Suffering and Salvation. Bakoyannis, Archim. Vassillos. 1999. Counseling Helps
Superwoman Revisited - #48 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The Changing Roles of Greek American Women, 29 min, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Supplement to the Philokalia, A. Balfour, David. The Second Century of St. John of Karpathos, 1994. Writings of the Saints
Surviving the Loss of a Loved One. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1992. Counseling Helps
Sword of the Prophet, The: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam. Trifkovic, Serge. 2002. Ecumenical Issues
Symeon the New Theologian: The Practical and Theological Chapters and The Three Theological Discourses. Symeon the New Theologian. Translation and intro by Paul McGuckin, 1982. Writings of the Saints
Synopsis of the Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodox Catholic Church, A. Karmiris, John. 1973. Orthodox Instruction
Telling a Child About Death. Jackson, Edgar N. 1965. Counseling Helps
Ten Greek Popes. Michelis, Fr. Dennis. 1987. Ecumenical Issues
Themes from the Philokalia, Number 1: Watchfulness and Prayer. Kotsonis, Archimandrite Ioannikios. 1988. Writings of the Saints
Themes from the Philokalia, Number 2: The Intellect. Kotsonis, Archimandrite Ioannikios. 1997. Writings of the Saints
Theology of Stewardship in Light of Orthodox Tradition, The. Wesche, Rev. Fr. Paul. 1990. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Theology of Uncreated Energies, A. Maloney, George A. 1978. Orthodox Instruction
They Walked With God: The Lives of Saints For Children. Kesich, Lydia. 1960. Lives of the Saints
Thirsting For God (In a Land of Shallow Wells). Gallatin, Matthew. 2002. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Thirty Years in Service - #18 [VHS]. GOTelecom. A Tribute to His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
This is My Beloved Son... Listen To Him, Volume I. Coniaris, Anthony M. Matthew 17:5; Meditations on the Sunday Scripture Readings of the Orthodox Church; 1988. Bible Commentaries
This is My Beloved Son... Listen To Him, Volume II. Coniaris, Anthony M. Matthew 17:5; Meditations on the Sunday Scripture Readings of the Orthodox Church; 1988. Bible Commentaries
This Shining Night [CD]. Choral Arts Ensemble of Rochester, MN. 2008. CDs/DVDs
Three Prayers. Clement, Olivier. The Lord's Prayer, O Heavenly King, Prayer of St. Ephrem; 2000. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Three Theban Plays, The. Sophocles. Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus; 1984. Greek Literature
Through the Year with the Church Fathers. Harakas, Presbytera Emily. 1985. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Thy Passion: Byzantine Chant of Holy Week [CD]. Boston Byzantine Choir. Case is missing - in the case of "Greek Nostalgia," which is missing its CD; 2004. CDs/DVDs
Too Big to Spank. Kesler, Jay. Practical help for parents of teenagers, 1978. Counseling Helps
Toward the Authentic Church: Orthodox Christians Discuss Their Conversion: A Collection of Essays. Doulis, Thomas (ed.). 1996. Orthodox Instruction
Toward Transfigured Life. Harakas, Stanley S. 1983. Contemporary Issues
Tradition: Practical Orthodoxy (Volume 1). Stamatis, D.H., Ph.D. 2008. Orthodox Instruction
Treasured Greek Proverbs. Bucuvalas, Elaine G. et al. Proverb in Greek and English; 1980. Greek Literature
Treasures From Paul's Letters, Volume 1. Coniaris, Anthony M. Sermons on the Sunday Epistle lessons as read in the Eastern Church from September through February; 1978. Bible Commentaries
Treasures From Paul's Letters, Volume 2. Coniaris, Anthony M. Sermons on the Sunday Epistle lessons as read in the Eastern Church from March through August; 1978. Bible Commentaries
Treasures of Mount Athos, The: Illuminated Manuscripts, Volume I. Pelekanidis, S.M., et al. The Protaton and the Monasteries of Dionysiou, Koutloumousiou, Xeropotamou and Gregoriou; 1973. Picture Books
Treasures of Mount Athos, The: Illuminated Manuscripts, Volume II. Pelekanidis, S.M., et al. The Monasteries of Iveron, St. Panteleimon, Esphigmenou, and Chilandari; 1975. Picture Books
Treasury of Aesop's Fables. Aesop. 1973. Greek Literature
Treasury of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality, A - Volume 1: Translation of The Serbian People As a Servant of God. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich of Thrice-Blessed Memory. 1988. World History
Treasury of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality, A - Volume II: The Faith of the Chosen People. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich of Thrice-Blessed Memory. 1988. World History
Treasury of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality, A - Volume III: The Mystery and Meaning of the Battle of Kosovo. Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich of Thrice-Blessed Memory. 1989. World History
Trial of Job, The. Reardon, Patrick Henry. Orthodox Christian Reflections on The Book of Job, 2005. Bible Commentaries
Trinitarian Theology East and West: St. Thomas Aquinas - St. Gregory Palamas. Fahey, Michael A., & John Meyendorff. 1977. Ecumenical Issues
Truth, The: What Every Roman Catholic Should Know About the Orthodox Church. Carlton, Clark. 1999. Orthodox Instruction
Truth of Our Faith, The. Elder Cleopa of Romania. Discourses from Holy Scripture on the Tenets of Christian Orthodoxy, 2 copies, 2000. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Truth of Our Faith, The. Elder Cleopa of Romania. On the tenets of Christian Orthodoxy, 2007. Writings of the Saints
Truth of Our Faith, The, Vol. Two: On the Christian Mysteries. Elder Cleopa of Romania. 2006. Writings of the Saints
Turning Points [VHS]. International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). 6 min; 2005. Videos
Twelve Days of Christmas, The: The Feast of Epiphany - #16 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Two Championships, Softball Game Notebooks. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. Two game notebooks from 1987 & 1988 winning seasons; includes slide photo of team; 1987, 1988. Local Interest
Tyrants, The. Jarvis, Charles E. 1977. Greek Literature
Ultimate Things: An Orthodox Christian Perspective on the End Times. Englemann, Dennis E. 2 copies; 1995. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Understanding Holy Tradition [VHS]. Bogdan, Rev. James. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Understanding the Liturgy [VHS]. Botsis, Rev. Constantine. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Understanding the Pentecostarion [VHS]. Tsichlis, Rev. Steven. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Understanding the Sacrament of Marriage [VHS]. Economou, Rev. Dr. George. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Understanding the Triodion [VHS]. Bishop Nicholas of Detroit. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
Universal Truth: The Catholic Epistles of James, Peter, Jude, and John. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2008. Bible Commentaries
Unseen Warfare. Scupoli, Lorenzo. The Spiritual Combat and Path to Paradise of Lorenzo Scupoli, edited by Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and revised by Theophan the Recluse; 1987. Writings of the Saints
Utah Historical Quarterly: Toil and Rage in a New Land. Papanikolas, Helen Zeese. The Greek Immigrants in Utah, 1984. Greek History
Vacation Bible School [VHS]. Holy Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church. VHS Video; 1995. Local Interest
Voices in the Wilderness: An Anthology of Patristic Prayers [title on spine: Patristic Prayers]. Hatzinikolaou, Nikolaos S. 2 copies (1 hardcover + 1 softcover); 1988. Writings of the Saints
Walking in Wonder: Nurturing Orthodox Christian Virtues in Your Children. White, Elizabeth. 2004. Orthodox Instruction
Way, The: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church. Carlton, Clark. 1997. Orthodox Instruction
We Came, We Saw, We Converted. Huneycutt, Fr. Joseph. The Lighter Side of Orthodoxy in America, 2009. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Wealth & Poverty in the Teachings of the Church Fathers. Thornton, Fr. James. 1993. Writings of the Saints
Wedded or Wedlocked?. Kalellis, Peter M., Ph.D. 1979. Counseling Helps
Were the Achievements of Ancient Greece Borrowed from Africa?. Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage. Proceedings from a seminar in 1996; 1997. World History
What is Life? Why Are You Here? What is Your Reason for Living?. Coniaris, Anthony M. 2001. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
What is the Church? [VHS]. Sitaras, Rev. Constantine L. Department of Religious Education, 1998. VHS Video (Blue - The Liturgical Life Series)
What Our Hymns Can Teach Us [VHS]. Pappas, Dr. Vicki. Department of Religious Education, 1999. VHS Video (Red - Understanding Holy Tradition Series)
What the Church Fathers Say About..., Volume 2. Grube, Fr. George. 1998. Writings of the Saints
What the Church Fathers Say About..., Volumes 1 & 2. Grube, Fr. George. 2005. Writings of the Saints
When Can We Walk Home? - #50 [VHS]. GOTelecom. The Cyprus Issue as it Affects the Greek and Cypriot American Communities, 1990. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
When There Is No Miracle. Wise, Robert L. Finding Hope in Pain and Suffering, 1977. Counseling Helps
When Your Teenager Stops Going to Church. DiGiacomo, James. 1980. Counseling Helps
Where Moth and Rust Do Not Consume. Coniaris, Anthony M. An Anthology on Christian Giving, 1983. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Where To Find It In the Bible: The Ultimate A to Z Resource. Anderson, Ken. 1996. Bible Commentaries
Who Am I?. Coniaris, Anthony M. Our Secular Identities Contrasted with Our Identity in Christ, 2000. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Widow's Walk, A: Encouragement, Comfort, and Wisdom from the Widow-Saints. Chervin, Ronda. 1998. Counseling Helps
Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up. Bercot, David W. A New Look at Today's Evangelical Church in the Light of Early Christianity, 1989. Ecumenical Issues
Wisdom of the Desert, The. Merton, Thomas. Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century; 2 copies; 1960. Writings of the Saints
With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man. Elder Paisios of Mount Athos. Spiritual Councils, Vol. 1; 2007. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Witness in the Holy Land. Khoury, Maria C. 2003. World History
Woman and the Salvation of the World. Evdokimov, Paul. A Christian Anthropology on the Charisms of Women, 1994. Contemporary Issues
Women and the Priesthood. Hopko, Fr. Thomas (ed.). Includes writings by Kallistos Ware, Nicholas Afanasiev, Georges Barrois, Thomas Hopko, Kyriaki Fitzgerald, Deborah Belonick; intro by Alexander Schmemann; 1983. Contemporary Issues
Women Deacons in the Orthodox Church: Called to Holiness and Ministry. Fitzgerald, Kyriaki Karidoyanes. 1999. Contemporary Issues
Women of God. Upson, Presvytera Freida. 1978. Lives of the Saints
Words of Fire: The Early Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians and Galatians. Farley, Lawrence R. The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series, 2010. Bible Commentaries
World My Church, The: Learning and Loving My Orthodox Faith. Chryssavgis, Fr. John, and Sophie Chryssavgis. 1990. Orthodox Instruction
World Orthodoxy - #28 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Writings from the Philokalia: On Prayer of the Heart. Kadloubovsky, E., & G.E.H. Palmer (translators). 1992. Writings of the Saints
Year of Grace of the Lord, The. A Monk of the Eastern Church (Fr. Lev (Louis) Gillet). A Scriptural and Liturgical Commentary on the Calendar of the Orthodox Church, 1980. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Year of the Lord, A: Liturgical Bible Studies, Vol. 3. Stylianopoulos, Theodore. Triodion & Lent, 1983. Contemporary Spiritual Writings
Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible. Young, Robert. Contains ~311,000 references; 1969. Bible Commentaries
Your Baby's Baptism in the Orthodox Church. Coniaris, Anthony M. 1991. Orthodox Instruction
Youth: the Future - #40 [VHS]. GOTelecom. 29 min, 1989. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Yugoslavs in America, The. Ifkovic, Edward. In America series, 1977. World History
Bible (Arabic). . 1999. Bibles
Coptic Dome, The. Bishop Samuel, & Arch. Cons. Badie Habib. English & Arabic. Church History
General Bourbaki, Le. . Written in French, by one of Gen. Bourbaki's former officers; 1885. Local Interest
Romania. Kina Italia/Eurografica. English & French. Picture Books
35 ΠΟΙΜΑΝΤΙΚΕС ΕΠΙСΤΟΛΕС. ΑΓΙΟΥ ΝΕΚΤΑΡΙΟΥ. 35 letters written by St. Nektarios, 2000. Books in Greek
ΑΓΙΟΗ ΟΡΟС: Ο ΑΘωС ΜΕСА ΑΠΟ ΠΑΛΙΕС ΦωΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕС (Mount Athos Through Old Photographs). Malliaris. 1985. Picture Books
ΑΓΙΟΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ Ο ΡΩΣΟΣ. ΠΡΩΤΟΠΑΠΑ, ΑΡΧΙΜ. ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ Ι. St. John of Russia; 1985. Books in Greek
ΑΚΑΘΙСΤΟС ΥΜΝΟС, Ο [The Akathist Hymn]. Papadeas, Fr. George (translation). Greek & English, 1972. Liturgies
ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΙΚΡΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΚΛΗΣΕΩΣ ΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΥΠΕΡΑΓΙΑΝ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΟΝ [The Service of the Small Paraklesis to the Most Holy Theotokos]. Kangelaris, Demetri & Nicholas Kasemeotes (Translated & set to meter). Greek & English, 1984. Liturgies
Άλφαβητάριο: τά καλά παιδιά. ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΕΩΣ ΣΧΟΛΙΚΩΝ ΒΙΒΛΙΩΝ. Children's Greek alphabet book primer, w/ colored pictures; 1953. Learning Greek
Άλφαβητάριον. ΓΙΑΝΝΕΛΗ, Ι. Κ. Children's Greek alphabet book primer, w/ colored pictures; 1957. Learning Greek
ΑΝΤΙΔΟΤΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΥ, ΤΟ. ΠΑΝΑΓΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Δ. “The Antidote to Death”. Books in Greek
ΑΝΤΙΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, Ο ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ 666 ΚΑΙ Η ΑΝΗΣΥΧΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΩΝ; Ο. ΒΟΛΟΥΔΑΚΗ, Πρωτ. ΒΑСΙΛΕΙΟΥ Ε. The Anti-Christ, The Number 666, and the Concern of Christians; 1997. Books in Greek
ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ, Η. ΝΤΑΝΚΑΝ, ΟΜΗΡΟΥ. The Apocalypse; Πώς νά τήν καταλάβουμε. Books in Greek
ΑΡΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΚΗ ΥΜΝΩΔΙΑ (Greek-Byzantine Liturgical Hymnal). Anastassiou, George. Greek w/ Transliteration, 1940. Liturgies
ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΣ ΑΜΕΡΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ: Άναφορές σέ έξέλιξη. Κωνσταντινίδου, Πηνελόπη. Archbishop Demetrios of America Reports from the Developing Field, 2004. Books in Greek
ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ. ΡΑΝΣΙΜΑΝ (Runciman), ΣΤΗΒΕΝ. Byzantine Civilization, 1969. Books in Greek
ΓΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ: ΓΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΩΤΟΥ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟΥ (Land of Crete: Land of the First European Civilization). Meis, George. Greek & English, 2000. Picture Books
ΔΙΗΓΗΜΑΤΑ. ΠΑΠΑΝΤΩΝΙΩΥ, ΖΑΧΑΡΙΑ. Short Stories. Books in Greek
ΔΟΞΑ ΠΟΥ ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΕΛΛΑΣ, Η. ΒΛΑΧΟΥ, ΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ Ι. To the Glory of Greece; drama; 1943. Books in Greek
Δρόμος του Ρεμπέτικου, Ο [Road to Rembetika] [CD]. Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center. Sampler CD of Greek songs; 2006. CDs
ΔΥΝΑΤΟΙ ΝΕΟΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΙ ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΕΣ. ΚΑΛΛΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Δ. Modern Greek Characters; Greek Culture; 1927. Books in Greek
ΕΙΠΕ ΓΕΡωΗ.... . Το “Γεροντικον” σε νεοελληνική άωόδοςη, 1992. Books in Greek
ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΤΩΡΑ 1+1 (Greek Now). ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ, & ΜΑΡΙΝΕΤΑ ΠΑΠΑΧΕΙΜΩΝΑ. Dialogues, Texts, Exercises, Grammar, Vocabulary; 1992. Learning Greek
ΕΞΕΤΑΣΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΙΔΗΣΕΩΣ. ΑΓΙΟΥ ΝΙΚΟΔΗΜΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΡΕΙΤΟΥ. “Examination of Conscience”, St. Nicodemos; 2003. Books in Greek
ΕΠΙΣΤΡΟΦΗ. ΑΝΤΩΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΑΡΧΙΜ. ΝΕΚΤΑΡΙΟΥ. “Return,” (about repentance), English copy in Contemporary Writings, Μετάνοια καί έξομολόγηση, 2003. Books in Greek
ΖΩΗ ΚΑΙ ΟΙ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΓΕΡΟΝΤΟΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑ, Η. ΜΠΑΛΆΝ, ΆΡΧΙΜ. ΊΩΑΝΝΙΚΙΟΥ. Elder Cleopa, Ρουμάνου Ήσυχαστου καί Διδασκάλου, 1999. Books in Greek
ΗΡΟΔΟΤΟΥ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ. ΣΑΚΑΛΗΣ, ΙΓΝ. Μ. History. Books in Greek
ΗΧΟΤΡΟΠΙΟ [CD]. ΠΑΠΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΥ, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ. Greek; some damage to CD; 2006. CDs
ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΡΑΦΑΗΛ – 1. ΚΛΕΙΔΑΡΑ, ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ. Miracles of St. Raphael; 1996. Books in Greek
ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ, ΤΑ (The Miracles of Christ). Frangos, Rev. Demetrios. Greek & English, Sunday School Materials; 1957. Children's Books
ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓ. ΙΑΚΩΒΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΘΕΟΥ, Η (The Divine Liturgy of St. James (Iakovos), Brother of the Lord). Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Greek & English; A New Translation by Members of the Faculty of Hellenic College; 1988. Liturgies
ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑ Η ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΑ. ΧΟΝΔΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΣΩΤΟΥ. Biography of St. Theodora, 1996. Books in Greek
ΘΗΣ ΑΥΡΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΜΟΝΗΣ ΠΑΤΜΟΥ, ΟΙ (Patmos: Treasures of the Monastery). Kominis, Athanasios D. Greek only- Note : Library also has English version, 1988. Picture Books
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ. ΚΟΥΡΤΙΟΥ, ΚΟΪΝΤΟΥ. History of Alexander the Great; 1912. Books in Greek
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΤΗΝΟΥ, Η. ΛΑΓΟΥΡΟΥ, ΑΛΕΞ. ΣΤΥΛ. A History of Tinos, Greece, 1965. Books in Greek
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΑΡΧΑΙΩΝ ΧΡΟΝΩΝ: ΩΣ ΤΟ 30 π.Χ.. ΤΣΑΚΤΣΙΡΑ, ΛΑΜΠΡΟΥ. History of Ancient Times: to 30 B.C.; 1987. Books in Greek
ΛΕΞΙΚΟ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΙΑΣ ΓΡΑΦΗΣ. ΜΟΥΣΤΑΚΗ, ΒΑΣ. Dictionary of Holy Writing; 1955. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 1 – Ίανουαρίου. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of January; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Ίανουαρίου; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 10 – Όκτώβριος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of October; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Όκτώβριος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 11 – Νοέμβριος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of November; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Νοέμβριος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 12 – Δεκέμβριος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of December; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Δεκέμβριος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 2 – Φεβρουάριος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of February; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Φεβρουάριος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 3 – Μάρτιος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of March; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Μάρτιος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 4 – Άπρίλιος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of April; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Άπρίλιος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 5 – Μάϊος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of May; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Μάϊος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 6 – Ίούνιος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of June; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Ίούνιος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 7 – Ίουλίου. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of July; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Ίουλίου; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 8 – Αύγουστος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of August; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Αύγουστος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΓΙΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ, 9 – Σεπτέμβριος. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Δ. With Our Saints: Synaxaristes of the month of September; Συναξαριστής του̃ μηνός Σεπτέμβριος; 1994. Books in Greek
ΜΕΤΕΩΡΑ “METEORA”, ΤΑ. ΠΑΠΑΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ, ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ ΑΡ. English translation in back; about the monasteries of Meteora; 1961. Books in Greek
ΜΙΑ ΜΑΝΑ ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΕΙΤΑΙ [VHS]. . Black & White VHS Video; Drama; 1983. Books in Greek
ΜΟΝΑΣΤΗΡΙ ΤΗΣ ΤΗΝΟΥ, ΤΟ. ΚΑΡΔΑΜΙΤΣΗ, ΙΩΑΝ. ΝΙΚΟΛ. Monasteries of Tinos; 1960. Books in Greek
ΜΟΝΑΣΤΗΡΙ ΤΟΥ ΟΣΙΟΥ ΛΟΥΚΑ, ΤΟ. ΛΑΖΑΡΙΔΗΣ, ΠΑΥΛΟΣ. Osios Louka Monastery – has many photos. Books in Greek
ΝΕΑ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΡΑΦΑΗΛ – 13. ΚΛΕΙΔΑΡΑ, ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ. New Miracles of St. Raphael, Volume 13, 1991. Books in Greek
ΝΕΑ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΡΑΦΑΗΛ – 15. ΚΛΕΙΔΑΡΑ, ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ. New Miracles of St. Raphael, Volume 15, 1992. Books in Greek
ΝΕΑ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΡΑΦΑΗΛ – 3. ΚΛΕΙΔΑΡΑ, ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ. New Miracles of St. Raphael, Volume 3, 1989. Books in Greek
ΝΕΑ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΡΑΦΑΗΛ – 63. ΚΛΕΙΔΑΡΑ, ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ. New Miracles of St. Raphael, Volume 63, 2006. Books in Greek
ΟΡΑΜΑΤΑ. ΜΑΣΤΟΡΗΣ, ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΝΙΚ. ΠΟΙΗΜΑΤΑ (poems), 1993. Books in Greek
ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ, Η. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. “The Orthodox Church”, 1993. Books in Greek
ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΟΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΣ, Ο. Ware, Bishop Kallistos. “The Orthodox Way”, 1982. Books in Greek
ΠΑΛΑΙΑ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ, Η (Greek Bible). . 1965. Bibles
ΠΑΡΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΠΟΔΑΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΓΙΩΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΩΝ. ΣΩΤΗΡΧΟΥ, Π. Μ. Α' Πνευματική μαθητεία, 1995. Books in Greek
ΠΑΤΡΙΑΡΧΙΚΗ ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ (Patriarchal Divine Liturgy). Greek Orthodox Diocese of Chicago. Greek & English, 1990. Liturgies
ΠΕΡΝΩΝΤΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΑ ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΘΕΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΘΕΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΡΧΑΙΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ (Having Fun With the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greeks). Antoniades, Basil. Book of Activities in Greek and English, 2005. Greek Literature
ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 1940-1941, Ο. ΠΑΠΑΓΟΥ, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ. The War of Greece 1940-1941; 1946. Books in Greek
ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗΤΑΡΙΟΝ ΚΑΙ ΥΜΝΟΛΟΓΙΟΝ [Prayer Book and Hymnology]. Hatzopoulos, Rev. Harry P. Greek, English Phonetics, & English Translation, 1962. Liturgies
ΠΡΟΣΚΥΝΗΜΑ ΣΤΟ ΑΓΙΟΝ ΟΡΟС [Pilgrimage to Mount Athos] [CD-ROM]. MLS Multimedia. Windows CD-ROM; English & Greek. CDs
ΠΡΩΤΟΙ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΟΙ, ΟΙ (The First Christians). Diamantopoulos, Xenophon. Old Sunday School Materials; Alternates Greek and English. Church History
ΡΙΖΕΣ ΜΑΣ, ΟΙ: Έλληνικές Γιορτές καί 'Έθιμα (Our Roots: Holidays & Customs). ΛΙΤΣΑ, ΦΩΤΙΟΥ Κ. Greek-English glossary in back. Books in Greek
ΣΙΜΩΝΟΠΕΤΡΑ: ΑΓΙΟΝ ΟΡΟΣ. Trapeza, Elleniki. Greek only, 1991. Picture Books
ΣΠΥΡΙΔΩΝ Ο ΤΡΙΜΥΘΟΥΝΤΟΣ. ΧΟΝΔΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΣΩΤΟΥ. Biography of St. Spyridon, 1994. Books in Greek
ΤΕΛΕΤΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΓΚΑΙΝΙΩΝ, Η [The Service of Consecration]. St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church and Shrine. Greek & English, 2004. Liturgies
ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΗ ΑΝΑΓΕΝΝΗΣΗ, Η. Runciman, Steven. “The Last Byzantine Renaissance”, 1991. Books in Greek
ΤΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ (Daily Order of Services). ΣΑΛΙΒΕΡΟΣ, ΜΙΧΑΗΛ Ι. (ΕΚΔΟΤΗΣ). Greek only. Liturgies
ΤΡΙΤΟΣ ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ, Ο. ΘΕΟΛΟΓΗ, ΒΙΚΥ. Μυθιστόρημα (Novel), 2008. Books in Greek
1923 Memories of 1st Immigrants of Rochester, MN. . Written in Greek; 3 pages of photocopies of stories; 1923. Local Interest
Against Those Who Are Unwilling to Confess that the Holy Virgin Is Theotokos. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Greek & English, 2004. Writings of the Saints
Apology and Crito. Plato. Intro in English, Greek Text, Notes in English; 1898. Greek Literature
Divine Liturgy Book For Children. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North & South America. Pictures + Greek & English Liturgy, 1976. Liturgies
Greek Proverbs. Economou, Steven G. Proverb in Greek & English, with explanation in English. Illustrated; 1976. Greek Literature
Holy Cross Liturgical Hymnal. Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Greek & English, same book used here for Liturgy; 2 copies; 1988. Liturgies
Lectures on the Christian Sacraments. St. Cyril of Jerusalem. Edited by F.L. Cross; intro in English, text in Greek & English; 1977. Writings of the Saints
Modern Greek Reader. Pappageotes, George C., Ph.D. Modern Greek Prose and Poetry in Greek & English, Introduction in English; 1972. Learning Greek
Old Testament Prophets. Vellas. In Greek; 1947. Books in Greek
Part 1: The Beginnings - #70 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 1; 29 min; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 2: Byzantium - #71 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 2; 29 min; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 3: A Hidden Treasure - #72 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 3; 29 min; 1992. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 4: Baptism & Chrismation - #73 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 4; 46 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 6: Penance - #75 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 6; 38 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 7: Holy Matrimony - #76 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 7; 36 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Part 8: Holy Unction - #77 <In Greek>[VHS]. GOTelecom. Greek Version; The History & Holy Sacraments of Orthodox Christianity, Part 8; 34 min; 1993. VHS Video - GOTelecom Programs
Sacraments and Services, Book 1. Kezios, Protopresbyter Spencer T. (ed.). The Sacraments; Greek & English; 1993. Liturgies
Sacraments and Services, Book 2. Kezios, Protopresbyter Spencer T. (ed.). Greek & English; 1995. Liturgies
Sacraments and Services, Book 3. Kezios, Protopresbyter Spencer T. (ed.). The Funeral Services; Greek & English; 1995. Liturgies
Sharing in Song!. National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. Ed. by Nicholas & Connie Maragos; Some Greek & some English, with music & chords; 1984. Liturgies
Treasured Greek Proverbs. Bucuvalas, Elaine G. et al. Proverb in Greek and English; 1980. Greek Literature
БИБЛИЯ (Russian Bible). . 2001. Bibles
Избранное [CD]. КАЛЬЯНОВ, АЛЕКСАНДР. Russian; 2001. CDs/DVDs
КИЄВО-ПЕЧЕРСЬКИЙ ДЕРЖАВНИЙ ІСТОРИКО-КУЛЬТУРНИЙ ЗАПОВІДНИК ФОТОАЛЪБОМ (The State Historical and Cultural Museum of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Photoalbum) ). Kiev Mistetstvo Publishers. Russian & some English, 1990. Church History
Спасо-Преображенский: ВСЕЙ ГВАРДИИ СОБОР. . Cathedral 250 years 1754-2004. Learning Russian
ЧЕТВЕРОЕВАНГЕЛИЕ. . КРАЕУГОЛЬНЫЙ КАМЕНЬ МИРА ВО ВСЕЛЕННОЙ; The Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; 1956. Learning Russian
СПОМЕНИЦА Покрета Српских Четника Равне Горе Кливлана, Охајо С.А.А. 1952 – 2002 (50th Anniversary Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A). . Written in Serbian & English; 2002. Local Interest
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